
I do notice that when I am putting things off, it is several things, not just one. But when I have the momentum mojo flowing I cross several things off the list by the end of the day. I may spend 3 days or more doing pretty much nothing and then empty the list in one day. Now if I could just find a way to just do one

@Kinburn: The story is a lie!

@yourcitylovesyou: I don't know about art, but literature can be done in games. You have the old school dungeon crawlers that were basically text where you are given commands at certain points. You have 3d games like Dante's Inferno that are based on classic literature. Ok, in this case it probably strays quite a bit

@BelmontHeir: Finally, a Spidey game worth buying!

@jeffimix: I don't know. I buy from Half Price Books every now and then. I could get a library card but I don't know what they have. Maybe I will look into it. Usually what happens is I am out somewhere right next to a HPB and I stop in and buy a book or two.

Well, I do have 300 of these cardboard and paper things that open up with the words inside. I suppose I could just have the one...

@Azel: Don't take the American media to be an actual representation of American citizens. We don't like the news casters either. Except for the Republicans and FOX news, and them be crazy peoples. How else does Glen Beck have a job if the people are not out of their gourde?

Pen and paper.

@MilsurpShooter: But that is something that someone in-the-know, would know, but not, say, me who has never shot anything bigger than a .22 rifle. I'm sure there is a technical reason for them using the same animation sequence as well.

@StarDrowned: It may be the traditional way to do full-body tattoos that makes the skin not breath. There aren't many people who still practice it, but I saw a program on it and if I remember right it is basically a tattooing needle dipped in ink at the end of a long pole. It could be that using the pole they go down

@Desfunk: Idiotic quote of the century. One case where a child is killed by a parent's gun does not mean you should not own a gun if you have a child. If you are a responsible person it i possible to do both. The man and woman in this case were not responsible.

If a MMO is going to be successful on a console you have to design it with a console in mind. Afterwords you can port it to PC/Mac as the controls have already been worked out.

And for infinite extinguishing capability look for Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.

@SkaHimself: May I point you somewhere that may calm you down? fathead-movie.com

Ok, some of this, I get it. Dumb bad guys due to cliche writing. But you also have to remember that villains are not always in their right mind and oftentimes they think they will win, like they are some unstoppable act of God, and letting the hero in on their plans or letting the hero live gives them someone other

@orlo: Yes, yes, your snideness is oozing through the internet. I just read what I wrote. I don't have that high of balances. I have 4 cards all with less than $150 on them and I have the money to pay them off right now, if I so wished. I just keep a balance on them to keep activity up so I don't hit inactivity fees.

@Dexomega: Depends how long you keep a good job and if you have savings. Best advice I got from my personal fiances teacher in college, treat your savings like a bill, pay something into it each month, even if it is $15.