@djnrempel: You do mean something with high interest and high balance right? I I have a card that has $500 at 20% and one with $ and $1500 at 14%, I'm going for the $1500.
@djnrempel: You do mean something with high interest and high balance right? I I have a card that has $500 at 20% and one with $ and $1500 at 14%, I'm going for the $1500.
@timgray: I can't say it is easy, but you make some good points.
@Ken: But there are still issues with digital distribution.
@Ebendrath: Used car dealerships, pawnshops, house realtors may not be relevant to MasterYong. I know they are not relevant to me right now.
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Wait, you seem to be saying contradictory things in B. First you say it forms or reinforces relationships, then you say you can't take them seriously.
"Sir the seventh chevron with not lock."
@noobmcnoob: Or a rock album.
@Fiona Conn: I'm in the same boat, but with no party... I think they should make every degree have an internship program built into it so that you can get experience while you get your degree. I have been turned down or not even been able to apply for not having the relevant experience. Even if it is just asking for…
@code34: With maracas!
@Leanid: Its not just old gamers they have to worry about it is new gamers. I don't remember how old I was when I played VII but it was my first ps game. Now we have a whole generation of younger gamers that didn't grow up with VII and I bet many have never played it. So not only does it have to meet the older gamer's…
@Cloud_Hiro: Story and dialogue may be more or less set, but all the graphics would have to be redone even using the original designs as a base to start from and the backgrounds, enemies, items, along with new content.
@G4LU: Its good when a company give you extra stuff for being a loyal fan but they don't owe you anything. If they keep up the quality of their product, which I believe they more or less have as I have bought most of their games and they are some my favorites, and people continue to buy their products then the masses…
@Shinta: 1) Why do you assume it would have to sell more than an original game to be in the black? 2) How do you know the rabid fandom would not be high enough to make this game sell out?
@RealmRPGer: I'm not sure about that. I think he means the amount of time make a games of VII's length and openness would take a lot longer than making a modern game which has more stuff, and higher detailed stuff, in a shorter game. I don't know about the rest of you but when I first played VII it took me 50-60…
@psycoking: Yeah, but buying a used copy and then having to buy a voucher may cost more than buying it new, depending on how popular it is. I don't have a PSP, but if vouchers move to any system I do own I will not buy that game. It is not worth it to me to buy half a game if I buy it used and demanding a fee after I…
A second there I read that as gorignak, the pig-lizard from Galaxy Quest.
Handwriting mostly because I can't type very fast. Learning to touch type is one of those skills I really want to develop, not just for jobs skills but for personal reasons as well.
Gundam vs. Terminator vs. Robocop vs. Aliens vs. Predator vs. Freddy vs. Jason.
@deadkraz: The studies have not shown a correlation between porn and deviancy, not just Ron saying so. It also should be noted that no studies that I am aware of have show a correlation between violent video games and violent behavior.
@s0mmie: The thing is that will work for movies and music, but what about gaming? If you put DRM free music and movies for download and streaming for a competitive price to buying it in stores (by which I'm saying cheaper, but lest not get ridicules) you will attract those who pirate because there is not legal…