In Europe there’s not that much difference. Breitbart’s German language site just got caught spreading fake news about terrorist attacks in Germany. France too I think. Its a little less tame over there.
In Europe there’s not that much difference. Breitbart’s German language site just got caught spreading fake news about terrorist attacks in Germany. France too I think. Its a little less tame over there.
if protest isn’t uncomfortable, isn’t causing tension, it’s not going to be effective.
Sick days, slow-downs, “strikes at work,” and similar tactics can also be effective. This isn’t a new issue.
Well, that’s kind of the point of a strike. Yes, strikes hurt the workers. But the idea is that the injustice you’re striking against is more damaging than the loss of wages.
This is just one prong of the protest effort. Folks who can’t take part in the strike will have many, many other opportunities.
I’d like to sign up for that list, though I disagree about her acting—she’s terrible in Snow White and the Huntsman, but her turn as the assistant in The Clouds of Sils Maria is genuinely amazing.
petition for a Gina Gershon/Kristen Stewart buddy bad biker chick movie
I’d give a shit were it not for the fact that modelling is not and never has been a meritocracy.
The work of the people cannot be carried out while we have a president that was not democratically elected, and an administration that only seeks to serve a portion of the constituency (read: rich, white, Christian men). We can do no good for the next four years....but we CAN do our best to protect ourselves and our…
They’ve been bringing a hairbrush to a gunfight. They’re finally bringing knives.
every Democrat needs to realize that obstructing the government, blocking nominees, preventing votes, filibustering, etc has no fucking negative implications anymore.
Bethenny Ever After did not prepare me for this terrifying version of Jason, but having been harassed by someone using a constant barrage of texts as their weapon, it is psychologically demoralizing and holy Jesus, no wonder Bethenny has been acting awful.
I’m torn. I’m a veteran of the 1st Iraq Shit Show and the Cold War. I didn’t join out of patriotism, I was in a crappy small town and I wanted out. It worked. Being the military actually MADE me a Liberal. (Kind of hard to hate people for the color of their skin when you share a life with them, hard to hate…
also because his voice is the fucking worst
Theory: anyone noticed how they try not to focus on Nick too much? Like there aren’t as many confessional moments with him... almost as if producers are aware that he is overexposed within the franchise and comes off as a desperate predator more than a nice midwestern boy looking for love. They focus more on the drama…
Honestly it’s about time something was boring.
I’m inclined to agree with Cameron. The Mythbusters had the advantage of a lot of time to come up with a strategy, and were not in a life threatening situation where if they made a wrong move, someone they cared about would die.
If I didn’t know better, this sounds like an argument that was used for the 2016 Presidential election, one really really bad option vs. a not great/but not awful option (and we all know how that turned out).
no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?