
It is crazy, isn’t it? Though I have insanely sensitive skin so who knows. I’ve tried so many different products, but even moisturizers with SPF 15 typically screw up my face for days (it gets dry but also really red, almost like I have a light chemical burn). On the other hand, foundations with SPF are usually fine

The sunscreen mentioned in this post sounds intriguing to me, because the website description mentions it being light and moisturizing. I usually can’t wear sunscreen on my face AT ALL because it turns my skin into the Sahara Desert for like four days afterwards, and then I break out :/ Can anyone recommend a REALLY

Eh, I think the sad part that the OP was referring to is that anxiety is on the rise, especially among younger people. I’m glad we have medication, but I think there’s a larger societal problem that needs to be addressed regarding how we’re living our lives and dealing with stress.

Random fact - I’ve read that the houses don’t even always belong to the families, and the show will often set them up with a better looking house for the episode. I’m sure they’re all still pretty well off, but it’s just another layer of un-reality...

Exactly! Any sort of background for their affair was so underdeveloped that it seemed ridiculous and just... confusing. Plus I felt zero chemistry between Ethan and Sam, so that didn’t help.

Max and Felix were basically the only ones I could stand, too. I was actually surprised by how funny and likable Fred Savage was.

I clicked on this post just so I could save her haircut for future reference. She makes me want to pull off wavy bangs...

I worry more about people who are really into Christianity than people who are really into tarot.

She didn’t “abandon” it, she safely re-homed it. And just because your dogs turned out great, that doesn’t mean hers did, or that everyone has what it takes to handle every dog. I’ve rescued several dogs in my life, and the fact is, you DON’T know exactly what you’re getting. Your dog can turn out to be even better

Agreed. Sorry, but I don’t love animals so much that I feel confined to keeping one that bites me. I love my dog, but if he started biting or becoming unpredictably aggressive, I would find a new home for him. Everyone has their own limits, but keeping an aggressive dog just to say you did it is a bullshit standard to

and the horrendous 2015 teen comedy The DUFF 

Are you proud of that?

The first video just had them sitting on the Hollywood sign; this video has a few more shots. But like... not enough that it really makes sense to me to bother making two separate videos.

A fair response to what, though? It seems like most people are saying a) you handled the Trump thing wrong, and/or b) your show is boring. Both are valid complaints and don’t constitute “bullying.” He’s allowed to do whatever schtick he wants, and people are allowed to stop watching.

I feel like such a Grinch but this looks stale as shit to me. I don’t hate the original, but it hasn’t aged very well and I really don’t care what happened to any of them.

you can’t completely divorce this sudden change from the idea that white celebrities have that they can play at being black for a couple of years and then come back with a “cleaner image” and blame it all on hip-hop or rap or whatever other BS placeholder they are using to represent black culture (or what they think

Jesus, even the poster looks awkward AF. They couldn’t have picked a moment where Abigail Breslin doesn’t look like a baby learning to take her first steps? (And I’m generally a Breslin fan, for the record, but...)

Is “deux ex threesome” really a thing? Can I get any examples of other movies that employ this? Because I’ve never heard of it, and I’m honestly curious. That part of the movie was always completely baffling to me... like, why did he think that would help?

Ah, yeah that’s fair. It was also incredibly obvious from the beginning, so it felt like kind of a pointless “mystery.”

Hmm. I’ve only seen the show, but it seemed like a very accurate portrayal of an abuser to me. Rather than “cartoon-like villain,” I thought Skarsgard and Kidman showed how complicated an abusive relationship can be, because the husband wasn’t just a monster all the time. He could be very sweet and loving when he