Jane-Luc Picard

Hey now, let’s not blame Fred Rogers for rude youths.

DC comes before “getting hit by a car,” so this ranking is bad and wrong.

Not going to lie, I want Hillary to win but I’m not looking forward to 4-8 years of ramped up sexist attacks against her. I’ve been accused of being a “vagina voter” three times this year...by both Bros and Trumpers.

When I was a kid, I was taught that when someone is speaking, you keep quiet and let them have their say. Where were some of these delegates I kept hearing yesterday raised?

Bernie Sanders supporters are feeling highly emotional.

There were a few times when you could see her take a breath to compose herself - she’s a magnificent speaker and you could really see the gravity of her mission and now passionately she believes in it.

I love her, but I’m still going to make fun of healthy food.

I also thought she looked choked up. I think she just gets it - as someone who has helped break barriers already, seeing a woman she and her husband trust and have worked with, do it AGAIN, and to know the impact that could have on her daughters and little girls around the country and the world, that means a lot to

this is one of those stories that make me hate all men. my dad, thetallbrunette, bobby finger...EVEN YOU JUJY.

For not having anything beyond a high school diploma yes they are paid extremely well. Also less than 100 cops died in 2014. More than twice as many died doing construction. 8 times as many died driving delivery trucks.

Unless their hiring standards change as well, zero of those applications are going to be accepted, if they display too much intelligence or empathy. Let’s not forget the guy from Connecticut who was rejected by the CPD because he was “too intelligent” and therefore deemed unacceptable because he may eventually

I don’t care too much about either Beyoncé or Pokemon.

I think you mean Star Wars but yes, it’s ridiculous.

And most of them are, because it’s a woman dominated company. But owned by a man of course.

Out of the NFL? It’s not like he smoked pot.

That Kourtney instagram is really throwing me for a loop. Where is the other person’s torso?

Looks like she started the Seig Heil, then somebody in her earpiece monitor said “GODDAMNIT LAURA BEND YOUR ELBOW, NOW IS NOT THE TIME”.

Hey girl.

Make no mistake, the nostalgia factor for the ~25-30 year old crowd (who were in elementary or early middle school when the original games came out) is a huge part of it. They were very smart in only (so far) including the original 151 Pokemon from those two games that everyone immediately remembers.