It sounds like you’re a good candidate for a bidet attachment ;)
It sounds like you’re a good candidate for a bidet attachment ;)
I did 100%
Bless you sir. Just one orange jumpsuit and some cold steel bars away...
Always game to stick it to Big Beauty for charging far more than necessary for goop, I tried these cheaper serums from Amazon. Alas, like Rainier Wolfcastle’s goggles, they do nothing.
Always game to stick it to Big Beauty for charging far more than necessary for goop, I tried these cheaper serums…
Yeah I feel a bit numb to this, like I’ll probably believe it when I see images of him being led, shackled and bejumpsuited, behind the closing doors of a prison.
“I am not going to say shit about big dick energy, which is probably the force that powers Pete’s voice’s timbre, but I will have you know that I am aware of it, and it is something I’ve considered.”
Good Detroit style pizza is delicious!!!
Super strange, and the source article quotes one of the restaurateurs asking, “What incentive did this ‘rogue’ employee have?”
... so it was white women, mostly... don’t lump them all in here.
And everyone wailing about “punishment”! As if social ostracism is somehow equated to being jailed at the hands of the state!
Yikes. Having to step down because you suck at your job is not the same as being a known rapist.
He lost one job, jesus christ.
Define punishable? If you do a shitty job, you lose your job. That’s not punishment, that’s consequences.
Thanks for not giving me the snark - I actually have lots of friends with littles and speak to them often about their concerns (hey, what else would we talk about ;)
Empathy work? I’m not a parent, but it seems that you should break down the cruel pranks, emphasizing to your Little that they hurt someone else by damaging their property/touching them without consent/hurting their feelings... kids should be taught empathy early and often, and this seems like a great opportunity to…
Actually thought it was Chinese. He’s from Vancouver and in the 90s we had a large influx of Cantonese speaking immigrants preceding the handover of Hong Kong
I with you - grew up in Vancouver and actually used to “babysit” his son decades ago, actually a decent enough little kid once you got beyond the 11 year old entitled white boy shit...
Thank you!! I’ve been looking for a good, affordable option and that doesn't demand I buy a new pitcher - I've got a great one for iced tea and just wanted something to adapt it for grounds. This sounds perfect :)
My exact reaction