
I think most of all, other people have to be safe - so if you are gonna have your muzzled dog in transport or your bird in a cage/carrier, sure. We can deal. But I don’t wanna be mauled by a dog or goose when I am just trying to ride a bus, you know?

Who wouldn’t? John Taylor is still hot.

Yes. And you should request that they pay you damages AND pay a personal visit to your home to sign your vynil of Seven and the Ragged Tiger right now!

Some of them are running away to join ISIS, so I guess that is a partial solution.

Just barely. If this were video and they were walking, I’m sure there’d be dong wardrobe malfunction!

In spite of this glamourous handsome gay couple having the annoying habit of wearing matching outfits, I still want to go have a picnic with them.

The ad for this is very alluring and homoerotic.

They are also mean and will attack you for no damn reason!

Agreed. Even if the baby being put up for adoption had to happen, relatives and then qualified people in the system who have been waiting to adopt are the correct choices, not a random with 4 kids of his own and a savior complex.

The diabetes dogs are alert dogs that are supposed to warn people they are going into hypoglycemia. I am diabetic, though, and think this would be better accomplished by a Continuous Glucose Monitor that beeps than a dog, but I don’t wanna be the naysayer here.

Dakota Johnson being so boring leads me to believe she is really perfect for Chris Martin.

I am also sure Caviezel had a hard time passing for 33 when he was 33 already. He was 33 in “Pay it Forward” and I’d have guessed older. I don’t think he can pass for 33 right now even if you squint and say “Well, he did live in the desert”.

7/10 would actually watch that, if it were a Death Wish type movie.

An animal in a carrier is perfectly fine. Now, if you insisted you need it loose on your lap for your anxiety, that is likely to cause anxiety on another, cat-fearing person on the plane, though!

Your English is just fine, BTW. I say this as a fellow Brazilian who has been an ESL teacher for over 20 years.

Several hours trapped in a metal tube contaminated with disease-containing bird shit. I am a germophobe and this thought will haunt my nightmares now. If I fly, I will check the whole plane for birds before they lock the doors.

I feel for anxious people, but I will get anxious if I have to travel next to an emotional support peacock, goose, or snake. I am scared of these animals. Also scared of large dogs.

Drugs makes sense, too. Gotta keep that slave workforce in jail...

Yikes. I remember that dude on Party of Five. Gross.

Let me guess: maybe your uncle was not a white guy? And if he was, maybe he committed a crime against property, like larceny or something. Everyone knows property and money are way more valuable than women and girls.