
Maybe Naya Rivera put a hit on him.

I don’t know about any abusers on Party of Five. Is it the dude who was married to Neve Campbell on the show? Cause he has had a troubling history with drugs and violence.

I am making tomato soup and it is the middle of summer here. But tomato soup is that good. I serve it with homemade breadsticks and I think my kids just want an excuse to eat breadsticks.

My 11-year-old made spaghetti with marinara from scratch by herself the first time ever. It was delicious. She timed the pasta correctly and the sauce tasted just like the sauce I make, plus it was better cause I didn’t have to make it.

I agree with you. Plus, stumbling over something 50k times and then clicking save is the worst possible defense since a rapist was featured here several years ago alleging to have literally fallen dick first into a victim by accident.

One was an all-around good guy with an addiction, the other one was a piece of shit. People who are even saying their names in the same sentence should be ashamed of themselves.

Clive Davis is probably immortal. He was already old when I was a kid, and I am 43.

Yep. All celebrities with the last name Baldwin fucking suck.

I still think these are Leslee Dart’s interns, not his actual family wasting time posting online whenever his name is mentioned, but you are right.

The fans or “we don’t really know what is up” people are usually real commenters on this site, and have made valid points. The shills, like elent, just come and slag on Mia Farrow. It is easy to tell the difference.

The PR firm he uses is known for using sock puppets and posting all over the internet. It is not just a conspiracy theory in this case, it is highly likely. It is simple: get a bunch of interns, set up Google alarms for the names of clients.

Giuliana is a horrible person - body shamer, Zendaya episode, thirsty af- and yet she is *still* better than the backstabbing liars a la Omarosa who are on The Apprentice. It is amazing how low the bar is!

Backstabbing liar seems to be a requirement to even wanna be on The Apprentice, I’d say.

Sadly, I think all the Baldwins are the Lena Dunham of the Baldwins. Stephen Baldwin is also full of opinions on things, and so are William and Daniel. At least William was pro-Hillary.

I gotta assume paid PR person at this point.

Yeah, this would be a really good time to STFU.

Hot take: everyone on The Apprentice was horrible. Well, possibly not Bill Rancic, who looked to be suffering from second-hand embarrassment over everyone else, not just Omarosa, 99% of the time.

He had to consider whether Brazil was a country where you’d be welcome or not... I guess at least I am glad to know we are on the “welcome” list instead of the “get out of here!” list.

Shh, nobody has told her that yet!

As long as they don’t think Sarah Palin is Queen of Alaska, I think that is not too bad.