
I am not Team anyone but I suppose I’d rather be stuck in an elevator with Aniston than with Jolie. She seems more relaxed and less thirsty than Jolie, who is dying for publicity and for political relevance and just seems uptight.

C is for Crap?

It will be golden, and only house an interactive video expo about how great he is cause you know his voters don’t like to read, and there will be KFC and McDonald’s stands there. It will be yuuuge.

It would be unethical for Bloom to do so since she was privy to Weinstein’s secrets in the past.

And “I didn’t know how old she was!” is only maybe an excuse for statutory rape. Not for forceful rape.

Everyone is supposed to test, though T2s are often lax about it. But yeah, using a pump/insulin leads to needing more frequent testing.

There is MODY, which is a rare type of T2 that can appear in children, but it is still not T1.

Also, let’s be realistic: 95-year-old men as a general rule do try to grab their nurses. It is just the way it is. Being senile removes any kind of filter they had before.

But Bloom is the other party’s attorney and Allred is her mom, so conflict of interest. She’d need someone else.

I am with you. The least the person can do in a situation where they are friends or family with a scumbag is stay silent. See also: Nicki Minaj. That is acceptable. Going after the accuser is not.

Didn’t hippies already do that all the way in the 60s - show naked bodies that didn’t fit beauty standards? So yeah, it is old news by now.

Wearing purple for that song is on point.

Not really. Untreated Type 1 causes death. Coma by ketoacidosis, and death. It does not cause overweight. In fact, kids are often diagnosed because they are failing to thrive/losing weight rapidly.

Yep. If she’d been paid 1k and he’d been paid 1.5k, ok. He is a bigger name than she is. Or he’d been paid 1.5 mil and she’d been paid 800k.

Calling Bumper Car Trauma for a band name right now.

Username checks out.

Type 1 diabetes doesn’t relate to your argument at all. Out of control blood sugars in Type 1 causes weight loss, not weight gain. It is a wasting disease, causing fat and muscle loss.

It means you weren’t around as many trash men (not sanitation workers!) as women who were catcalled a ton...

If the 13-year-old looked 15, then obviously it was ok to rape her, right?

Also, if flirting ends *at work* that is not a bad thing. Cause you are there to work. Flirt away at bars, parties, and other non-work environments. Why is that so hard to understand?