
Or Clooney going on... Roseanne. Remember he was her sister’s boss?

He looks like the human embodiment of Grumpy Cat there.

I think the movie paid her enough she could go to a hairdresser?

Didn’t they cast an Egyptian guy in the lead though, and an Indian girl as Jasmine? And then Jafar is a Tunisian guy. So right now it is supposed to take place in... maybe Egypt? Maybe India? Maybe Tunisia?

These were extras, though. They don’t need to know how to act. You can just gather random brown-skinned students, retirees and other people with free time who want to make a few bucks, and London has quite a bit of those. Heck, Manchester has even more, and it is not that far of a trip.

Yep. With the music and everything.

I assume they also have children. Students have that type of freedom, and would love to do that for the experience, whether they are secondary or college students.

True, they have to be Tony Shalhoub colored at the most... wouldn’t wanna scare the white audiences!

I make weird Simpsons references people don’t get all the time. Especially saying “Everything’s coming up Millhouse”, from the episode where Millhouse moves and becomes cool.

There are less than 2 billion of you, how are they supposed to find a couple dozen brown-skinned extras to play those parts? It would be like a needle in a haystack!

They are all European so it works! Also, if you can’t find a Brit, an Australian will do. Or even a Canadian. Really, nationalities work like this: 1. American and 2. Not American.

England has a fair amount of Pakistani immigrants, doesn’t it?

Can you imagine it? Tony Shalhoub just Eddie Murphy-ing his way through it, playing men, women, young and old.

Or maybe it is a bunch of women who can see right through her “I am so normal, tee hee!” act.

8/10, would watch.

It was definitely not the quintuple carb portions - stuffing and mashed potatoes and sweet potato casserole and a roll and a slice of pie. It was the tryptophan that did it.

She is a cool girl!

You should make that as a short that is shown before Oliver’s movie!

He was really pretty circa Swingers.

I am also guessing he has uploaded her bathroom videos. I would seriously doubt he is not trading them/getting off on having others seeing her pee.