If he got universal health care, he deserves to be on coinage, doesn’t he?
If he got universal health care, he deserves to be on coinage, doesn’t he?
Do the other 14% of universes include one where he is fighting President Camacho for the nomination and Camacho sets fire to him with a flamethrower?
They are awful, but as someone reminded us above, Paris Hilton, the first generation of famous for nothing celebrity, is a vile racist and a misogynist (I added that bit myself, but remember her laughing at “Firecrotch”? So yeah). So however awful the Kardashians are, at least we can say they are not racists or…
No, it was a “Fish Delight”.
That photo would justify why we the monarchy deserves all that taxpayer money.
I know, but these chairs look very formal and uncomfortable compared to the several seating areas designs I see nowadays. Also, each area looks tiny, whereas a contemporary design would probably have set up 3 larger areas instead of like, 6-7 tiny areas like those.
Obviously, the right answer here is to track down the guy and stab him yourself, Death Wish style. Calling the cops is just asking for paternalistic action.
It is just shorthand for Female Chauvinist Pigs, a la Ariel Levy, really. Any woman who aligns herself with the patriarchy at the expense of “those other” inferior women who are feminists and fighting for equality.
Track lighting works in a loft. Everything works if it matches the rest of the architecture.
Well, those things say you are creepy, but also sweet and not creepy, and ok now we’re back to creepy.
I don’t understand the furniture placement with all those chairs. It is almost more hotel lobby than living room to me. All the chairs are gorgeous, but the placement is so odd.
I am very excited! We are going to Ireland for my husband’s job.
Seriously - they could have literally paid someone to take care of the pet for them. Chelsea Handler, who has had a ton of dogs, did that with one of her dogs cause it wasn’t getting along with the dog she already had. There is nothing wrong with the idea, but the way those two went about it was terribly selfish.
That is adorable. It is like, Classic Mom stuff. This post made me miss my mom.
My texts are just as shitty as the LW’s emails. I am an old so I still bother to capitalize emails and add apostrophes, but for text and chat? Nah.
This right here is the difference between people who have hustle and people who don’t. I am about to move to a different continent. I have worked teaching EFL for most of my career, so I am aware I have very few transferable skills. But I have told my husband, if I have to take a job cleaning toilets somewhere, I am…
I agree with you. I doubt there is nothing like a temp position in her field or something like that. There probably isn’t a graduate school level job in her field, and that is what she is looking for. I mean, she is lucky to live rent-free, so she could do an internship or temp work easily, and doesn’t have to work at…
You are pretty much not the norm though, I think at least among young people. Older people definitely didn’t have cell phones in the late 90s, but young people usually either had one or wanted one.
He pretty much does hang out at the Disney lot. He voices Handy Manny, the cartoon.
But they didn’t even use Julia, Janet, Janice, or Jacqueline before they went for the Jinger insanity. Heck, they hadn’t even used the most vanilla J-name yet, Jennifer!