I simply cannot argue with this comment.
I simply cannot argue with this comment.
There are still people out there too ignorant to know that PC gaming is a thing??
Throw Mamba from the Train
Ebony and Ivory
Do you mean broke in a financial sense or broke in a spiritual sense? Because Cleveland doesn't need ten years to break your will, they can do it in two to four years.
blowing them out of the water like that is bad... Cause next year everyone will have the same set up. Hang back a bit and sand bag it.
If ANYTHING was run by race engineers, the world would be a better place.
Having worked in the service industry in Indianapolis from 2000-07, I can honestly say that it wasn't uncommon to see Irsay carrying a lot of cash and being extremely generous with it. If he was at your bar/restaurant, your tip would probably be enough to cover your rent and then some, and that was after he'd paid…
This meme doesn't change the fact that for a 6'8" monster, LeBron is a pussy and always has been. He's also the most subliminally sefish prick I've seen this side of Kobe Bryant. How many times did he say "I" after the Heat won last year? I think all this hate is kind of well deserved at this point, I don't care how…
There is a 51% chance you will see something like this at EVERY Dirt Kart track in the US at some point on a Saturday night. If you aren't familiar with the term COBB, think of it as the red neck version of the terrible gentleman driver. Probably half of each class is made up of COBBS who only wear sleeves to…
Still not as hard hitting as Joey the Junior Reporter.
How about ...
Oh yeah. Nothing against his ingenuity, the kid's got some real building talent, but there's definitely some cash flowing in from somewhere.
No, I'd say Puttin is the difference between a good golfer and a great golfer.
I like Big Vince. Seems like a good guy.
point taken..somewhat agree, but i know of millionaires that spend 20 grand a night at strip clubs, and contrary to belief strippers don't accept credit cards in there ass.
I hope the police remembered to give him back his $25,000. I would hate for a guy to have to go through all that trouble and not get his $18,000 returned safe and sound.