
I'm sorry, I know this is going to be controversial, but people really need to be evaluated before they can have children. It's not a right, it's not a privilege, its a fucking duty and responsibility, and if you can't show that you've got the mental or emotional ability to do it, you shouldn't be allowed.

Autodidactic Asphyxiation?

Also the abbreviation for the next Street Fighter

And men have hairless chests the size of football fields too. So? Both sexes are grossly displayed in all media, from games to movies to tv and so forth.

Now playing

Still not as bad as the Samsung SSD commercial.

Considering most of the commenters like you never once opened up Blender and assume it's easy to render detailed, large-scale airships or even basic level assets and the comments should sound like this. 9 commenters should be able to come to the same conclusion in 15 minutes but I doubt they ever got past Intro to CS

The term "eSports" is stupid and needs to be abandoned. Call it "competitive gaming" or whatever.

I'm a fan of more "realistic fantasy" myself. I know those two words usually don't make sense next to each other, but there's high fantasy (Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time) and then more "realistic fantasy" like Game of Thrones.

Sure, I guess it's kinda cool when immortal elves with eyes made of stars are summoning

You do know I was talking about the real world, right? I thought so.

Asking this may not end well, but am I the only one here that really despises anime?

I'm like, 90% sure that the knowledge part is irrelevant nowadays; PC gaming is more idiotproof than ever.

Not sure if serious...

Ugggggggh that was painfully staged "comedy". I mean, the repeated sound effect when he hits the laptop box. The other guy's unconvincing and lazy "Oh no I'm not, I don't, ah…"

Bitch, this isn't Japan, it's FF round these parts.

I think people's problem with that is 1) that they don't see a clear reason to not include an offline single-player mode for a traditionally single-player game, 2) that they don't believe EA's claims that this was a design choice, rather than DRM, and 3) many of the people complaining are fanboys that would frankly

Ms. Anders,