
The D actually stands for deadly neurotoxin, it is silent, Like you, you horrible, dangerous, mute. - Glados.

Yeah, considering a major theme of the mythological phoenix is rebirth, Jean will probably always die and be reborn resurrected, etc.

In mutant heaven there are no pearly gates, but instead revolving doors.

Shane, from the walking dead


Jean Grey's last death (12/03 New X-Men #150) For someone who represented the whole "comic book characters never die" trope, 10 years is a pretty long time to keep her down (And no I do not count the version that has been brought back form the past)

Well this is going to be the post of all spoilers!

I worked at a Gamestop as my part time job when I was in college 9 years ago. You probably didn't actually see them sell a used game as new. Gamestop doesn't, or at least didn't, receive display boxes for games - so they have/had a practice of taking new games and "gutting" them (opening new copies and taking the

Hellboy? Bad? I hate to break it to you, bub, but your opinion is not a very popular one. Ignoring that misstep, his other movies? Let's say we go by Rotten Tomatoes ratings. He's only got 2 out of 14 that are rotten. Compare that to Joss Whedon, who has 4 out of 11 which are rotten. See what I'm saying?