
Which means he will be at the perfect age for then. That’s around the age that marketing agencies aim the “Nostalgia” angle in their ads.

Nope. Both are in their 40's and still active more or less in acting.
Funny think is Jason Narvy, Skull, is actually a classically trained Shakespearian actor if I remember correctly.

So, is this movie supposed to be like Ra Begins or something? Did I miss something.

“Look at Skyward sword for example. Don’t do this again Nintendo.”

Beat me to it. I was about to say myself there already was one.

In the new TV series. That would be Super Saiyan God form. Yet another form...which that series needs like another hole in the head. :/

Aww. That’s sad. I love the Discworld books. I could have sworn I had heard somewhere that his daughter was going to take over and continue the universe in some fashion.

Because Phoenix Down “cures” KO status. It doesn’t revive the dead.

New Quake game confirmed?

You and me both. I work at an Amazon Fulfillment Center and a few nights ago I came across a “Almost Human” calendar. I shed a tear.


Welp, if it is any consolation...I wasn't arguing. I just was trying to correct your dating to help prove your point and so that people could see, since they came out roughly at the same time, then they had to be in development roughly around the same time. When two companies are developing the same story like this

Ah. My bad. Sorry. I did not see that. I blame Kinja.

WFC came out in 2010 and released the same month as the first book as far as I remember.

I have a sneaking suspicious that 21-year-old was meant

He, along with others, were resurrected by Quan Chi

I don't have a bad idea...I do have a good idea (at least I think it would be):
A movie adaption of "Balance of Terror". It could be like "Hunt for Red October" in space. Slower paced movie as the Romulan's out maneuver them at every move and the crew tries to find a way to detect / defeat them

Whaddaya know. She looks more real than Megan Fox

Cannot like this enough.

The "'stash" wasn't photoshopped out. That's not a stash...it's the lip line.