ME is not Shepard any more than Star Trek is Kirk.
ME is not Shepard any more than Star Trek is Kirk.
Sorry, folks—the recently-announced (and much-anticipated) horror game Silent Hills is not happening.
I guess you could say... it has become the WoW of MOBAs
Not to be mean, but have you ever collected the actual toys back in the 70s-80s? Long before Takara made Transformers with complex designs, they've made Dialones and Microman robots (toys that were later merged into one re-branded toyline by Hasbro for American consumers) with proportions similar to the Starscream…
Sometime I think the only thing Michael Bay got right was the voice actor for Optimus Prime.
you'll wait in line for an unfinished mobile phone worth hundreds. But bitch about an unfinished game worth $60. Oh noes!
Welcome to MMOs?
Playstation Home is on PS4 though. It's called Destiny
My wife would play the hell out of this game. Actually, I probably would too. We both spend far too much time in character creators, as I imagine a lot of people do. The thing is, though, it would have to be about a lot more than just stats. If it was something like Black Desert (seen below), then yeah, I would be in…
Or it can go the way of Arrow which is good to great depending on how much relationship drama is in each episode.
He hates mayo, based on a previous video he did. While mayo is a normal ingredient for most sandwiches, it is also on this burger. So, he probably won't try it.
Some of the earlier X-Men stuff was quite good. Inferno, the one that came in sealed bags with trading cards, Age of Apocalypse was excellent.
Did you guys not get Aliens: Colonial Marines up there then?
Because that game made me want to go on a murdering spree..
The D actually stands for deadly neurotoxin, it is silent, Like you, you horrible, dangerous, mute. - Glados.
If you had to make a quick estimate, how many people would you say you were better than?