I prefer Supreme Leader Smoak
I prefer Supreme Leader Smoak
ME is not Shepard any more than Star Trek is Kirk.
I’m still sour over Almost Human.
No! There has to be a reason! This means something!
Sorry, folks—the recently-announced (and much-anticipated) horror game Silent Hills is not happening.
I guess you could say... it has become the WoW of MOBAs
or D) She IS Dr. A. Cho, because if we can have white characters cast as black characters I don't see a reason why a male character can't be cast as female. Also, we have tons of male geniuses already running around in Marvel Movieverse.
I'd think a good step off point for Venom would be Peter needing the black suit to survive the Sinister Six...then realizing the real cost. So maybe a whole trilogy just to establish the Six (I suppose you could bring back Doc Ock and skip a movie), then a movie where the Six come together, Spidey needs the suit to…
But how many times can you trot out Johnny Depp wearing a funny costume?
Cross between da Vinci and the end credits of Iron Man.
The suit still needs a power source. Rhodey's got an arc reactor too, despite never having had shrapnel in his chest.
I remember something a friend said about why the manmade robots in Transformers 4 do not have the usual transformations.
Not to be mean, but have you ever collected the actual toys back in the 70s-80s? Long before Takara made Transformers with complex designs, they've made Dialones and Microman robots (toys that were later merged into one re-branded toyline by Hasbro for American consumers) with proportions similar to the Starscream…
Sometime I think the only thing Michael Bay got right was the voice actor for Optimus Prime.
Go fetch Nick Meyer. I'll wait.
Oh right, I totally forgot I read about this guy awhile back:
Dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner - dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner - Batman!
you'll wait in line for an unfinished mobile phone worth hundreds. But bitch about an unfinished game worth $60. Oh noes!
Welcome to MMOs?
If your fridge is not below 10°C, I'm pretty sure you're doing it wrong. Typically it should be between 3°C and 6°C, I think.