
The original "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" came out in 1907

As did Cyclops if I remember correctly.

"Continuing, Condominas said that this was the team's 'starting point', stressing how 'vast' and 'rich' the Mass Effect universe was."

I always thought that due to the nature of the Evil Dead movies since 2 that a remake / reboot would fit better than any other film franchise.

I'd hit that.

But you're not a man...

You don't act like the other chicken's do.

You mean Nintendo isn't doomed? MY ONLINE LIFE IS A SHAM AND A LIE

Because the airport model is the actual product why the others are mock-ups.

No Bullshit. It unfortunately really happened it. Been following it on a 24Hr News Network since it's initial story.

Too Bad he is no longer with us. Would love to hear his voice in a new movie.

Wash you're mouth out with soap. Ghostbusters is a classic.

dafaq did I just look at.

I believe that it is because of the "feud" between Capcom and Mega Man co-creator Keiji Inafune

Now playing

Try again. That was the old trailer from the original game being made by Cryptic.

Considering that the Chitauri are a virtual blank slate they were a good choice for movie. No storyline baggage.

Thanos looks Preggers to me.

You're right, it has been done before...in 2006 when the original Heart of Steel was released :P

I didn't watch the series when it originally aired and really had no interest in it. One day I decided to sit down and watch it from beginning to end just to see what all the fuss was about (and so I could sit down and watch the Live-Action movie and see why people had a problem with it). By the time the series