
Theseus Boat Paradox. How much of yourself to you enhance / replace before you are no longer you. What exactly makes us human?

So, does that mean come 2012 we aren't going to have an Avengers Game? /sadface

I applaud you that was hilarious

I believe it's because of the FemShep finally getting put in the advertisement material for the game. That and I love Jennifer Hale and Jennifer Hale as Shepard.

It is so fun hearing ""Ladies and gentlement, Salt N Pepa!" in my head in his accent.

From my remembrance the last I heard anything about Oliver was in 2007 but I believe he is still living.

He's referring to Gunships that are spread out through Mass Effect 2. Can't remember if there were any in Mass Effect 1

Is it me or does that building in the first image look like the Command Center from MMPR?

Yes and probably yes.

Beaker was Simon

Unfortunately. The Whole Anti-Venom thing is a little bit on the lame side.

If it is, I a in the same boat. I Want to see this made into a real movie.

Nathan Fillions character Malcom Reynolds in Firefly essentially IS Drake.

I thought the very same thing. In fact, when I first started looking at images of it I was thinking it might be a midquel...kinda exploring something that happened off camera during first flight...but I can't think of when it could have taken place.

Whenever Square uses the term "Stylish" I get scared

No Auto 9? Blasphemy.

No Auto 9? Blasphemy.

They could always pull a Megaman X6. In X6 ending the character Zero gets locked away but the event is displayed out of timeline and left ambiguous as to when it exactly takes place.

SPOLIER ALERT for those who haven't played RE5 do not read past this point

I will never understand some of the fan bases obsession with Leon. Wesker, I completely understand...but Leon? Really?