
Puig didn't break the bat the Right Way.

This just makes me want a big ass Fisher Price Big Wheel bike in the game.

Even Tim Howard is unable to save Goodell from his PR woes.

for a lot of people, they view anything less than a win a waste of time. This in my eyes, is why the more obnoxious people get extremely hostile. It's a shame really, losing is a powerful teacher if people are open to learning.

He's not even saying the draft is unimportant, just the Combine. Which is right, because look how far people fall or rise on the 'tests' they perform at the Combine. They seem to over-value that, and then start to disregard what they did during the collegiate career.

The next step is the yet-unreached Double Secret DUI.

0:32 That was a beautiful, and crazy, save from that red shell.

Man, that's the bummer part of Love leaving, no awesome lead passes leading to awesome fast break dunks (for the Wolves)

First and foremost, easy and clean to look at, both from a computer and mobile.

that would be one godaweful Around the Horn panel.

shadowrun Returns was well worth the backing to me haha.

will do, thanks for the heads up

That is also a clever way to have multiple screens, and I was not aware that it existed.

In the past, I've tried to use my phone to monitor chat, but that didn't work for shit, since the chat just stuck in a perpetual load loop. Gonna have to keep an eye on this Kickstarter.

That's a clever idea. I'd use it for streaming, keeping the channel chat up on one pane, and the game on the main screen. Amazing what human ingenuity can pull off.

The top picture looks like somebody smeared peanut butter on their head.

Some people are entertaining personalities. And I don't have infinite income to play all the games myself, especially some older console shit. In the case of TotalBiscuit, it's also useful to watch his First Impression videos as a resource to decide if I want to buy a game.

"I'm building a new PC," you say.

This guide I'd great then for those of us who didn't grow up with those games then.