This game sounds outstanding. Question though: how boned would I be, since I never use quicksaves?
This game sounds outstanding. Question though: how boned would I be, since I never use quicksaves?
I went to a small school, so soccer was never offered, so yes, my view on the athleticism was incomplete. I know they have huge amounts of endurance, similar to marathon and other long distance runners. I guess the point I should've tried to make was more along the lines of "Make soccer more glamorous to entice more…
College Football gets more coverage, as does College Basketball, though professionally, it might be behind NASCAR or Golf. I have never seen a MLS game on network in my area.
Yes, I realize now, after all these comments, that I was vastly misinformed and wrong. I apologize.
The point I meant is that with how the US produces major athletes, as they are getting bigger, faster, and such as the years go on, I simply hope that we can get a fantastic prospect who wishes to win a World Cup over a Super Bowl. My phrasing was poor, I apologize.
Fair point. Could've done without the attack on my character, but I see what you mean.
The biggest thing I hated about the US World Cup run was how people in the US expected the USMNT to do phenomenal, instead of, you know, losing to the global powerhouses that play this game all the goddamn time. Soccer isn't even a top 5 sport in this nation, and yet people expected us to beat teams who live and…
Plus other countries have their A-Tier athletes to play soccer, we barely send our C-Tier. Hopefully this World Cup sparked some people that may not make it as a starter in the NFL or NBA to switch to Soccer during high school and college.
And then Puig gets plunked for that fist pump.
More games should do what FFXIV did: Allow you to choose between 720P/60FPS or 1080p/30FPS. I think that was a really clever idea.
I played the Eternal Blue Complete re-release for PSOne. It was good. Had some ups and downs, and dragged along at some points, but the overall thought I had when I beat it was "Damn, that last dungeon was a pain. Fun game though."
I really liked the crest system though.
Alpha Protocol, definitely.
Alright thanks. I'm most familiar with the tweaks from Balance Brawl from a Smash club I was in at my previous college. Only heard passing things about PM. I'm guessing it readded wave dashing? If i recall, that was a big gripe some had at base Brawl, due to the removing of it.
So, can someone explain what Project M has over something like Balanced Brawl, costumes nonwithstanding.
Better tell Michelle Beadle that she can't root for the Spurs. People in media have to be emotionless and can't get excited over teams any more. They must forfeit all fandom to be on TV, radio, or print.
I loved the boss fights in Alpha Protocol. I loved that I could gather intel on the dude I was about to kill, and I loved that defeating them served a purpose, unlike some of the "Oh hey, you're leaving a dungeon? Cool, cool... Here's a big ass spider that's different from every other monster in this zone. That not…
So, a dissenting opinion about boss design, and you disregard what he says as a person? That's pretty cold.
Can we just be done with these stupid, ironic, post-ironic, or whatever the hell you want to call them games?
I hate smurfing as a practice. I have friends who do it in League of Legends and I don't get it. Instead of letting new players get their bearings, they get buried under skilled players while at the same time getting hate for not knowing the game. It is stupid.
I enjoyed the puzzles, save for the "walk on the tiles in the proper path to reach the exit" ones.