See, I like it when abilities change up the game partway through. Sounds to me like you just don't like the genre.
See, I like it when abilities change up the game partway through. Sounds to me like you just don't like the genre.
Hate to break it to you, but they didn’t have anything to do with developing the game, they just handled the port. Which, unfortunately, is one of the worst PC ports there is. As I understand it, it isn’t really their fault, as they didn’t have direct access to the source code and had to backwards-engineer the game…
CDPR only handled the PC port, and were not involved with the original development.
My brother-in-law loved Ken Griffey Jr. as a kid and ended up being a Mariners fan despite living entirely on the opposite side of the country.
Yes. I believe the controller has a port for adding another stick.
If Jared Goff committed a triple homicide tomorrow would throw up your hands and say “Guaranteed means guaranteed, they have to pay the man,”?
A guy who played at Pepperdine told me the story of when they went to play Long Beach State and everyone was talking about this hot-shot freshman shortstop there. In the first game of the series, a grounder is hit basically into left field and before they knew what happened the Long Beach shortstop has it backhanded…
A keeper will generally move toward the top of the 18-yard box when the team is attempting to move out of their own half. The keeper provides a good outlet for when the defenders get stymied by the opposition’s press - they can pass back to the keeper, and essentially start over.
That Blue Jays fix makes it look like a really good logo.
I especially like the qualifier at the start that he is white, but not old, then cranks up the white takes to 11 like a Spinal Tap amp.
This is what I don’t understand and further illustrates the sheer arrogance of New York. They had a 86% chance of not getting the top pick. It is something completely out of their control; yet Knicks fan blames the organization for not getting the top pick.
This was one of the greatest games I’ve ever watched and the single greatest feat was pulled off by my wife. We’re watching the 3rd overtime from a small town on the coast and we’re out of beer and the only store that sells it is a quarter mile away and closes at 11. At 10:50 with the blazers down 5 with 8 or so…
Bad take. The Pistons were missing their best player, Blake Griffin, on short notice, and never had much hope of actually winning the series. But their fans got to enjoy a surprisingly successful season with a meaningful playoff chase down the stretch; they got to watch months and months of competitive basketball.…
Flawless still doesn’t mean anything when we still have data overage charges. 20gb an hour gives me less than 1 hour a day of game time each month before I’m charged extra for internet service.
Good eye, Ethan! Arin and Dan are missing!
This post is a perfect example of why I read this site.
Dubsre: I do wonder if you’d make this same comment on the article that was just posted about Ocarina of Time runs – a game that’s even older.
but the Vikings missed 10 field goals and finished with a putrid 68.8 conversion rate on attempts, both worst in the NFL.
I will record any non-racist/non-hateful message the Deadspin commentariat wants for $5*. That’s two orders of magnitude less! Serious offers only**.