
When I was high school, my dad and I were rebuilding the brakes on his ‘79 911SC. At one point, we realized we were missing a tire that we’d set aside while the car was on jack stands. I stepped outside the garage just in time to see the rubber wrapped Fuchs wheel zipping down our extremely long and steep driveway.

When my XJ shit the bed for good, I needed a new car asap. Purchased a 2012 GTI from Carvana and I recommend them to everyone looking to buy. Smoothest process I could have imagined for such a large purchase. The “vending machine” is kind of gimmicky, but it gets peoples attention and it’s kind of cool to see your

Yawn. A large part of my love affair with all things four and two wheeled alike, is the sound. Excellent engineering exercises (say that 5 times fast) are the only thing I see these things as.

“How do you know someone does yoga?”

I will forever make the analogy that bike racers are the goaltenders of the racing world. Nicest guys, totally down to earth, but they all have that funky (read: crazy) edge that the rest of us don't. I wish I had the gonads to do it but, I don't and that's why I'm the guy taking slap shots from the point from inside

he said 5.38s... jesus.

and the front end still looks like an unchanged diaper frowny face

I know this is "Flight Club", but most people viewing this are probably Jalops. Why can't you knuckleheads take these movies for what they're worth; silver screen summer blockbusters with fast cars, cheap thrills, and maybe some not so hot acting. We love these movies, and most understand that they aren't "to the tee"

First time I've seen a RUF 991. I literally put my hand on my head out of pure astonishment. That thing is SEX.

Exactly why I go 5 under in one light towns here in the deep south, especially when going through rural florida for spring break. No brainer.

This makes a Civic sound like a cammed 454 in comparison. Wow that's an awful noise.

This makes a Civic sound like a cammed 454 in comparison. Wow that's an awful noise.

This exact car used to live down the street from me. Sounded great, better than my mom's V70R.

I'd imagine ZERO people are jealous of a group of people that spend most of their day dedicated to a fantasy land video game biker gang. This is absolutely insane.

Sox don't have anyone worth watching? Seriously? I'll start with Abreu but could go on.

Gotta love Grobber.

Those are 4 of the fugliest automobiles I have ever seen.


Best .gif comment of all time. Here's an internet beer.