
Read the article.

An undifferentiable Anne Hathaway made to order?

You know, the only other two main cases of Leprosy that I can think of were in the Cadfael T.V.-series and the Covenant fantasy-books. I’m sure that there’s more, but those spring to mind.

Leaving Netflix this month:

Non sequitur:

4 years, eh?

Damn straight.

my 5-year old was riveted — RIVETED — to the original 3 — he sat through each of the three of them (separate days - we didn’t do a marathon) without once wanting to get up or go play. We got to Episode 1, and within 15 minutes he was off the couch, and not to go play with his lightsaber...he wanted to go upstairs to

I’m very annoyed that calling Star Wars “Episode IV” has caught on.

The point at which I noticed that Sesame Street had gone irretrievably downhill (admittedly, having not watched it for decades), was when I heard that the DVD-collection of all the old episodes was rated “Not Suitable For Children” because the kids are climbing on some rocks in the intro during the song, and they

I think he read the first sentence and that was it lol.

Ah, Thanksgiving.

Here’s a headline for you:

Ronda didn’t lose. Holm won. Let’s give her some headlines!

The previous article about how Holm had no chance against Rousey was 5 or 10 pages of in-depth analysis, commentary, and video.

1) Me: “Huh. Star Wars Battlefront is in open beta. I think that I’ll check it out, and maybe buy it when it releases.”

And also made it a significantly more boring card to play :P

In the gif, that is the most awkward & un-athletic throw that I’ve seen in a very long time.

Not even funny. Reasonable gun owners have enough sense not to bring guns everywhere. The very least they would have a pistol if they had a concealed license. And only a clip or two tops.