Louis C.K. Would be a good addition to that list. HST was a writer/journalist, and now we look to comics to highlight the harsh truths in society. I can’t think of a modern journalist who can equal his cultural impact.
Louis C.K. Would be a good addition to that list. HST was a writer/journalist, and now we look to comics to highlight the harsh truths in society. I can’t think of a modern journalist who can equal his cultural impact.
That’s kinda... morally wrong. This guy sounds like he’s kind of a jerk. Seriously, who just does that? In any industry?
I’m not saying its a stretch. I’m simply providing a lore explanation for the thinking, because it exists and adds another support beam to the theory. Believe it or not, not everyone is familiar with every aspect of the lore, especially considering that the most-played games are 3 and NV!
It’s amazing what can be accomplished when a bunch of friends are inspired.
That first splash page is awesome. The Spectre doesn’t get enough love
Well, that was just very well done. Great animations, especially.
Alright, let's super-nerd it up here.
Whenever I hear that "fluffy rats" thing, i never really understand what the deal is. Think of it this way:
I take umbrage at your suggestion that squirrels are jerks! That, sir, I cannot abide! Squirrels are fluffy critters of materialized cuteness and you should be ashamed of yourself—nay—appalled by your denigration of the Maker's most beautiful animals.
Are we just going to ignore the most obvious physical evolution of nearly universally giant-balloon-sized boobs in anime nowadays?
And if you aren't good at it there should be no way for you to have any fun at all. That'll show em!
I got better!
Man, that first gif looks a LOT like a lost Ron Perlman B-movie. :P
From the get go it was Winterkewl, the yogscast right from the beginning said that they're not involved with the game apart from it being their likenesses.
You know... seeing that headline & Robocop Redux as the picture, I fully expected the article to be about the Opening Crap Pitch of some producer trying to make a Hollywood movie.
"One time I had a topless romance dream about him..."
1) Rabbit stew should not exist? Come on, they always used to have rabbit next to the chicken in Safeway. It's a very common foodstuff.
Now apologise for Penny, damn it!