
Say what you want, but this was a pretty clever stalling tactic Bartha used to avoid suiting up for the Knicks during the timeout.

My spank bank is now complete forever.

Rolling Stone should really just stick to investigating rape cases music.

Bowie's dick is only the second biggest dick to grace the SNL stage

Now playing

I love the Stones and The Kinks, and of course The Beatles but when you're right you're right. Maybe the beginning course should be this little ditty which features Mr. Entwistle and Mr. Moon at their best.

They look like they are war refugees from Sarajevo. The guy who took that pic will win a Pulitzer.

Zero Down Thirty

Friend was a waitress years ago at his Chicago steakhouse. "Coach" was eating in-house one night with a group of male friends and although she was two weeks new and hadn't met him yet, she got the call to wait on his table. She grew up in Schaumburg and loved Ditka.

I love my hometown of Chicago, but Mike Ditka is one universal symbol of it that I can't stand. The guy is an asshole who stumbled into a Superbowl win on Buddy Ryan's back (there is a reason the players carried Ryan on their shoulders, just to piss Ditka off), and then squandered away some of the best talent in the

No one said anything about shooting someone they disagree with. That's classic projection on your part. Just because you don't trust yourself not to shoot someone who disagrees with you, you presume everyone who legally carries is on a hair trigger, looking to shoot someone over some personal slight. You fully lack

Hiding a weapon is slightly more evidence of criminal intent than carrying it openly, not sure how this has gotten reversed, probably because the people against Constitutional self-defense push in every direction, even if they are contradictory. The appropriate time to call the police is never

Interesting analysis, but I quibble with your statement under the third category "In most places (but not all) this is illegal." Open carry of a handgun is fully legal in 20 states, and legal with a license in most others. See the wikipedia article on Open Carry in the United States. While there are several states

"Trygve Lief Bjorkstam!"

I hate Jeter but that was fucking magical

The real importance of Jeter is that he's the last beloved baseball player untainted by steroids or other dumb shit. People both young and old know who he is, and he just so happens to play for baseball's most marketable team. People think Jeter is great because he's a throwback to a bygone era and the survivor of a

Idiocracy, one of my favorite movies, resembles somewhat a version of "Brave New World" just on steroids. I think this is the appropriate time to upload this picture. Hopefully you can enlarge it..

I think you didn't get it.

You have kinda missed the entire point. Is wealth = intelligence? No...however having a substantial amount of wealth DOES tend to open up better opportunities whether it's going to a better school, or living in an area with better public schools (read as: higher real estate taxes), etc etc and so on...and whether