Jake Botha

I found Nomi to be painfully obnoxious until the last few episodes when she decided to start being competent instead of whining all the time. Not even Martha could save that relationship for me. Lito/Hernando/Daniella 4 lief.

That’s kind of an unfortunate font. I read it as “IT WILL FAP YOUR INSIDES OUT”....

Maybe it’s because I just finished reading it and loved it

I really hope that Daeny’s arc this season starts with her taking bloody vengeance against Khal Jhaqo for his treatment of Eroeh, then marshaling his khalasar as her own and leading them back (herself mounted on Drogon) to Meereen so she can crush the Harpy once and for all. Too optimistic?

I don’t know why, it just makes me giggle every time.

I don’t get all the complaints about Mockingjay, I quite enjoyed the book...

Agreed... if you take a step back, you’ll realize her missteps are pretty immaterial.


She’s had people not giving her great advice. All of her advisers save maybe Sir Friendzone give very black and white advice. It’s whats caused most of her misteps. She’s not seeing the Grey and Tyrion fucking lives there. So I’m waiting for that to sink in and then we will see how she rules.

Last week, during a long teleconference, I put the call on mute and spoke to a colleague, complaining loudly and profanely about having to waste time on the call with a bunch of idiots. Chat pops up on my window from someone on site: “Wigwag! Put your phone on mute!”

Whatever. Besides the Costner death scene, IMHO, and I include the destruction which Marvel fans CLAIM was explained away in Avengers (I don’t see it anywhere in that movie), Zod death scene is justfied (again, btw... Supes II, Superman KILLS Zod). Thought the feelings between Clark and Martha were well done, as well

That was my takeaway. Current-Cersei thinks it refers to Margaery but we viewers think (hope) that it really meant Danerys

It's ridiculed because it's new, that's all. I mean, who could reasonably believe in aliens when there's already a magic man in the sky who made everything... duh.

Yea, I was so tight around my ankles with ribbon I thought I was fraying.

I approve of this plan.

Between this, the birds, and literally, not figuratively, literally everything else on that continent, all of which wants to kill humans, I say we just nuke Australia and call it good.

Don't even get me started

Damn you Whedon. Dollhouse did not deserve to live when it was a straight choice between both shows by the network.

All of my sadness. I don't know that it 'suddenly' got interesting, but it suddenly got meatier peachier- the narrative was getting tighter and the mysteries were starting to form a cohesive serialization.