Jake Botha

Look, one thing she has been brilliant at is strategy and overpowering those who stand against her. For a girl who doesn’t know much about war, she’s been very resourceful and calculating.

I recently got rid of everything I had of Destiny. Packed the shit up in a box, gave it to some kids and felt more relief than anything else. Hours of anger and frustration, just gone.

It makes me laugh everytime I see it. Shared it with some friends and they just don’t seem to get it. What a sad life they live.

You do realise the Velociraptors of the film are actually closer to Utahraptors in size and mass than the much smaller velociraptors? So technically the film discovered the Utahraptor before any specimens were actually unearthed by an archeologist?


Kinda funny and sad at the same time...

I have noticed. Instead of thinking about the logical reasons behind certain things, it is so much more fun to brow beat everyone or everything into some form to flame outrage.

You do realize the “white savior” scene as you refer to it is not some subverted or messiah thing of the white man saving the not so white. It had way more to do with who was available for casting as extras when the scenes were shot on location. I think, yes it might have been unfortunate, but would most fans rather

This was actually spectacular. I was actually surpised by the sudden jolt in the middle of the song.

Yes, even Africanized Bees die after stinging. Only wasps survive a sting.

This made me laugh way to hard!

Under the Skin. Excelently creepy movie about an alien roaming around capturing/picking up men. Slow burner of a film, but truly epic and uncomfortable to watch.

Don't look at me, I had nothing to do with it.

Just made my day with this GG qoute!

My thirteen year old brain took over and I read the headline as,

I was just about to give up completely on the show, then seven happened and I stuck around just to watch her story line. Still beyond mad how they ended up screwing her over in the final episode.

Some spoilers might follow:

Don't we all just love how technology has altered our lives in such humiliating and profoundly funny ways?

Good save.

I have had two terrible incidents at work in the past.