
fa·ce·tious   [fuh-see-shuhs]

I'm right there with ya. I'll blow the dust off of my mouse when I fire up a FPS, no doubt, but any other time I just can't stand using a standard two-button (w/ or w/o scroll wheel) mouse. I've gotten so used to my multitouch gestures for going back/forth between pages, and switching between apps/spaces. I even have

Few years ago. Here's a link to an article about it posted in '08. (I'm not sure how new it was then, either)

I bet it could hit two houses and a car!


Dudes who MAKE the wine are dudes who you would slash your tires if you said that to their face.

I'm pretty sure that what you want is the highest amount of wine surface area touching the air as you can achieve... So, basically, make it as splashy and wavy and chaotic as you can.

Yessir, that was a great pun! And I'm usually not a fan...

good catch.

When you were using an iPod Touch. Separate music and video apps (instead of the unified iPod app) was probably the only "feature" to be on the iPod Touch before coming to the iPhone.

All season I've been wondering if Claudia was scratching an itch, or removing a wedgie at the end of the intro... Glad I'm not the only one.


When I first saw this picture I thought "why didn't they use the back side?" Seriously! The screen is on, bright, with a largely white background. And the powder's gonna get in the speaker and the space around the home button. Plus, if you're using a razor or something to chop it, wouldn't you rather scratch up the

Word. I don't think I could come up with a top ten funniest lines from Archer list, unless it was a per episode thing!

both were good!

I'd like to add camelbacks (not brand specific, I just can't think of a better term). They are amazing. Extra tip: one of the few things you can actually buy on the playa is ice. Get a bag on your way out during the day, and split it up between a few camelbacks, and everybody's got ice cold water for hours. Plus it

Absolutely. If I could import my own sheet music, write things on it easily, and still have it flip pages intelligently, then I'd be 100% sold.

Nah, man. The blinky text was funny, and I read it as only aimed at the folks that would post the picture (ie: folks that deserve banning). 'Twas a fine post, sir, with what appear to be bona fide thoughts and feelings. Keep 'em coming, if you please.

too bad it sucks so hard you have to stop watching after 40 seconds...