
If that's your idea of a"stupid question," then I want to hear an example of what you would classify as a smart question.

tag fail #corrections

my initials are JK and i've signed every work email I've ever sent with "-jk"

They've also got great pockets and accessories for holding gadgets, and they're pretty dang comfortable. But you're damn right on the durability. Most folks I know who have gotten new ones only did so because they wanted a different size, or different color scheme.

I'm totally in the same boat, here. I'm not even a little bit careful with my case-less white model, but it looks like I have been.

comments like these are why this comment system needs a "like" button.

"Good thing your not a psychologist...otherwise you would no that all those reasons give you every reason NOT to resent it"

Oh, I think I was confused... Carry on!

I think you're confused.

Comments like this one make me wish this comment system had a "like" button.

13%? Must have been calculated after Google started telling people they would keep track of all of their searches...

Gotcha. In my room I use a laptop connected to my 42" HDTV I recently bought an HDMI extender so I could recline in bed and use the laptop on... my lap. Before I'd have to get up off my ass to start the next video on Netflix.

Claudia Donovan was how I tried to justify Holly's "death" back when I thought it was real. And it mostly worked. I still have hope Fargo will show up on Warehouse 13... I suppose he can bring Holly along. Might actually be the least painful to watch love triangle drama... ever!

yeah, I remember that POS - hence the (almost) and (worthwhile) parentheticals...

I must have missed the memo... noted!

Serious question, not just trolling you: why would you do that instead of using an actual keyboard/mouse when you're "being lazy?"

Oh woe is you who does not know how to use filters or avoid opening posts that do not interest you! However shall you go on living in such a cruel, miserable world?

But, the real question is:

Amen, brother. Take a look at Textastic's "Cursor Navigation Wheel" solution. I've only just started using it, but it's pretty damn awesome. Still not quite up to par with real keyboard, but certainly the best solution I've seen for moving the cursor with the touch screen.

Haha, touché. That being said, who cares what the author really meant? It's how you interpret it, right? I'm certainly not going to argue that fanboys of any kind aren't annoying - they are. But if you read their comments as whimsical or - really any way that you choose, as long as it amuses you - then you won't be so