
I hope you just laughed at them and left.

You're absolutely right, but he could've at least cropped it... I just used good ol' screen zoom to rectify the situation.

@Steezy McFresh: You can downgrade, but you have to put your device into recovery mode to do it, and your backups from iOS 5 won't be compatible, so you'll have to use your last backup from iOS 4.x (meaning you lose SMS messages, call history, etc. since then)


judges also would have accepted "Or is you ain't my constituents!" Thanks for playing! Allen, tell him what he's won:

As I read "it puts a wood grain image on your screen," my mind auto-"Silence of the Lambs"-ified it, and in my head I heard "it puts the wood grain image on it's skin" in the deep(ly) creepy voice and everything. I seriously stopped to laugh, then slowly began to worry that maybe you had not so much intended that as a

@hostile-17: Haha, yeah... it's definitely not up-to-par with most of the rest. While I said i couldn't get it out of my head, all I really had to do was start singing "what you feel" and it instantly took over. It's still rattling around in there, even. The one I really don't care for is "The parking ticket," but

@hostile-17: I would kill for a confirmation before making a call! You're absolutely right, it completely defeats the safety purpose when you're desperately groping for your phone and panicking about not hanging up before the call you didn't intend to make to some person you don't know goes through, and then having to

@djfoxx64: I haven't worn a watch since before I turned 13-ish... My grandpa got me a watch for my birthday a year ago and I scoffed (in my mind, I did thank him and pretend I liked it... I'm not that horrible) because why the hell would I want to wear a watch?

@hostile-17: You, too? I thought it was just my janky (jailbroken, water damaged, screen cracked) phone that decided to call some ridiculous phone number when I told it to play playlist X or play songs by Z... I'd say good to know, but that actually just makes me more angry...

Screen size is fun information to have, but what about the sister spec, resolution? Maybe my brain isn't processing numbers so well, but I feel like I've looked at a few of these CES phone announcement posts, and I'm seeing everything about the screens but their resolution...

@Setonas: My thoughts exactly.

Now all we need is for the apps to take input from a DualShock 3 via bluetooth...

@Mark16acres: I was sad not to see that on there, too...

@Copper: down by the river?

@FartSponge: Awesome. Did you just throw an ounce in and let it go, or did you have to empty and refill the "bowl" every so often? Please, tell (or show) us more!

Dead Rising 2. After "Community" last week I played for an hour or two murdering as many zombies as gruesomely as I could to an all ABBA (and occasional voice-recorded memo) soundtrack. It was truly fantastic.

@MANIKENZ: you said it, and I understood it. that's word-status enough for me.

@MANIKENZ: I was hoping nobody would call me on that... but I was feeling pretty lazy. I do have the can, still if you really must insist I do it right...