
@dannkherb: with a name like dannkherb I'm guessing "mostly forget" is quite accurate.

@comodidit: okay, last time I'm gonna try before I give up and concede that it never happened...

@comodidit: maybe this time the picture will work for real?

@comodidit: wow, posting an image is bitchy...

@yongwlee: there's some optical drive sharing feature you can use to read a disk in another computer's drive (slowly over wifi). Or, of course, any external usb optical drive.

@RuckingFetard: Exactly. They launched the magic trackpad (relatively) silently, yet it was sold out in stores for a while! It makes sense... with apps like BetterTouchTools you really can do a lot with the trackpad. Macbooks are insanely popular, so people noticed.

@macshome: do you use BetterTouchTool? If not, go find it on macupdate. It. Will. Change. Your. Life.

@Tetsuooooooo: Which act(s) is(are) in the demo? I actually grew to appreciate the look of it on PS3 (on a 42" 1080p set), and think the iPhone version comes off looking like it's trying to do too much on a small screen... especially with the spinning camera when you go through loops. That not happening is worth the

@drunkexpatwriter: Yeah, what the fuck? "smells like teen spirit" doesn't get past the second "e" in "teen"! And leading up to that it shows results for "smells like teen spirit" while (perhaps most offensively) suggesting you mean to type "smells like team spirit."

@Firebrand: Brutal! Maybe even more so than a steel ball flung at you!

@iScrewFanbois: This way you actually have to open your eyes, look around for the thing, pick it up, and put it in place. That way the routine is a little longer, and more randomized, so (I'm guessing) you don't just become accustom to letting muscle memory do the trick while you're still half asleep.

@NotEnglishSpeaker: He did say he'd come back every now and again... I could totally see him coming back for this. Who else would they pump full of drugs and test the drug tester on?

@Stem_Sell: Undt now is de time (on Sprockets) ven ve dance?

@nootron: you can always rotate the video... this is 2010.

@trs: Yes! Thank you for spreading the good word! Have you seen some of the graywater evaporation systems? They're geniusly creative! And with all the awesome art cars, amazing sound systems, flashy colorful LED/laser/EL wire light, flame throwers, giant constructions, and a bunch of really really neat art

@mr_mr: really? Burningman's kind of an expensive situation. You're dropping at least a few hundred bucks for a week or less of experience. Surely those willing to do that might be willing to spend a few hundred on the phone they carry with them every day? I'm pretty sure at least half of the people I'll be staying

Her name was ka-at, she was a showgirl

@triangleman: I imagine that second part is not so bad after the first part...