
@kenboy: There's a plugin for SBSettings that locks orientation to portrait.

@TechniMyoko: What? I like Kwanza-bot! And where would the (futurama) universe be without razzle-dazzle globetrotter calculus?!

@csl5049: All glory to the hypnotoad...

@frigg: Thanks for the Haiku.

@Mike Zuniga is a Photographer Apparently: I had that thought, too. I think just picture posts can be very appropriate! Granted, they can also be painfully stupid... But some of the most clever responses I've seen on this site have been "just" pictures.

@Skeptic: You just have to keep commenting. Eventually you'll get lucky and someone who wields the power will be particularly fond of one of your comments, and they'll give ya the star. Or, I guess if you spend a lot of time making comments of decent quality somebody might decide you've had a good commenting history

@RaindropBebop: Other things on controllers are also incrementally controlled, like grenade throw distance/vehicle acceleration/jump height. It's also arguably a lot more comfortable to hold a controller.

@crooon: Maybe the mouse is easier, but people get super accurate with practice on an analogue stick, trust me. And sure theoretically you can perform more actions simultaneously on a keyboard, but in practice you don't need to do more things than you can do on a controller (with the right control scheme) in order to

@BlunderBus: My point is that I don't trust the point of the article, Jack. (or that my controller wielding friends would lose to kb/m players) Why don't you tell me why it makes a lot of sense?

This smells fishy to me. I want to see an in-depth study, not this "we tried it a few times" bullshit. I know some fools who dominate on a console controller, and wouldn't trade their dual analogue sticks and triggers for a keyboard/mouse any day.

Disc free by october, cool. New UI? That is really exciting! I want the bluetooth remote's buttons to actually do things that make sense. Also a 1.5 or 2x fast forward with audio (even at reduced quality) would be really really nice. Right now the streaming on xbox is much better, but I think there's plenty of room to

I hope I ain't around when those things go kaboom.

@RizzRustbolt: You just wanted to see her "go down" on "the little asian," didn't you?

I liked Mag and Zone, and epitaphs 1&2 as season/series enders. What I really want more of, though, is Topher Brink. Give us a Topher comic or movie (not that we really need to know more of his story, he's just fun!), and give Enver a new show where he has an excuse to change personalities all the time, and nobody

While I'd be happy to watch this show if it came back, this post made me realize that most of my anger over its being cancelled was not that it wouldn't get a chance to continue the story, but that V was renewed instead. I'd get really excited if ABC decided to cancel V, and not care so much what happens to

Just FYI, they already gave thousands away and are no longer offering free cases.

@FauxReal: I was bugged by that, too. bipods are not tripods! Just remember when noting such things to use the #corrections tag.

They'll confirm the "problem" as much as they already have by saying it's a problem every phone has, and 30 bucks ain't too bad for those who can't stand to hold it differently. Then they'll talk about how many people are seeing improved reception and are very pleased with the iPhone 4. I almost guarantee the aren't

I bought a bumper, and feel the same way. I somewhat suspect this attitude will be the theme of the "press conference" tomorrow...