
What other HBO period drams are there? I haven’t been keeping up I guess

Why am I not surprised your username is the most annoying character from a mediocre book series. Ah well should have looked at it before having the courtesy to correct you.

that sounds like a backronym

Neither? The dude’s not a CEO

Jalopnik really is a bunch of cranky boomers huh

That’s p fucked up that Google does this

No matter how you spin, it’s very hard for a neutral party to come under any other conclusion than she was silenced by the CCP.

Are we talking about the same country that made a major Olympian disappear for talking about her abuse? What free speech? And who said the US was genocide free? US’s native American genocide is p well documented.

Also, specialized soccer academies are pretty common in Europe and they fulfill the roll of what college sports does for the US. This seems pretty similar.

lol you’re totally fine. Can’t expect an account named marxbot1 to not have problems with your extremely fine take tho

The article says companies are now focusing more on international markets because of this. If anything, that probably means app stores outside China will be more cluttered.

I guess no need to refute anything if you just say everything is made up.

You aren’t a tankie because you said something true and good about China. You are a tankie because you’re trying to defend the CCP on an article about a completely unrelated issue.

Bro you literally tried to sell off a survey of 9000 people worldwide like it came straight out of the Chinese census. It’s pretty obvious that your intention was to misrepresent and now that you’re called out, you should kindly shup up instead of digging your hole further.

Do they have plans to release it for the Xbox?

They’re calling it “the great resignation”

Toronto is cheaper than Vancuover? I always thought Toronto was the bigger city (having never actually visited either)

That’s really interesting. Houses in the Seattle metro just seem to be skyrocketing (and have been since forever) no matter the size or the location.

Where are you looking? I’ve never seen a house go below asking where I am however large it might be.

Kinda dumb that the contact you add also needs to be an Apple user. I’m regretting my switch to the walled garden already