
From what we can see in the real world, law enforcement for one

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. I’ve never doubted the efficacy of unions, and I 100% can see how important they would be in the kinds of jobs where workers are already treated like shit.

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. I’ve never doubted the efficacy of unions, and I 100% can see how important they would be in the kinds of jobs where workers are already treated like shit.

Not necessarily. Someone gave me an example of SAG and I think that’s a p good example. Just because SAG establishes the minimum for all members, nobody is stopping you from making Matt Damon money. If union deals work like that, I don’t see why meritocracy and unions can’t coexist.

I don’t see how your anecdote trumps my anecdotal experience in the software industry.

I have no illusions of being irreplaceable. What I know is I can just spend 2 weeks interview prepping and make more than what I am making rn if I switch companies. This has been true for Software engineers for more than a decade and I don’t see it changing anytime soon. Thus, the trend where no engineer wants to stay

That’s just not true in Software. There’s ICs (individual contributor) making a ton of money that have no interest in management.

Totally agreed for AAA game dev. I was thinking more for Software Engineering in Silicon Valley like settings. Like for me, base salary is less than half of my compensation. Rest of it is merit-based bonuses and stock grants. There’s a baseline but your reviews determine what multiplier you get and that makes a huge

I’m not sure I agree with that. I think software is probably one of the most meritocratic industries right now (Game studios being the obvious exception).

I wouldn’t really consider Software a buyer’s market though. Obviously founders and execs make the lion’s share of the cash, but rank-and-file employees still usually make more than most industries (including traditional industries that are considered well-paying like IB or Management consulting). And the market has

That does make a lot of sense in theory. I wonder how likely it is in practice though.

Hmm that makes a lot of sense for blue collar jobs, but I don’t really see that working for a lot of white-collar jobs. People doing the same job for the same amount of time can have vastly different level of impacts in my industry and the pay usually reflects that. Hell, a lot of the times, a new employee might even

Like if the union deal just establishes the minimum bar, the company can still pay high performers more.

That might be true for traditional software companies (and game studios obviously) but that hasn’t really been my experience in the industry. New-age tech companies seem to pay decent salaries and I have never seen a cyclical lay-off cycle like what exists in game development. I’m always in favor of unionization as

How do union deals typically work? If it’s like you get the same pay as everyone else in your level when bonuses were meritocratic before the deal is inked, I can totally see high performers not wanting to sign into a union. My argument is probably more relevant to industries where workers aren’t universally treated

Clear cases >> leather any day. I chose my phone color to showcase it, not hide it.

Was it WoT?

You got ratioed pretty hard. Seems like the masses agree with whatever Sulk said.

I don’t have a 20/20 vision, but I have my driver’s license, so I think my eyesight is fine.

I’m completely for making all college education completely free. My position is that we shouldn’t forgive student loans until we get there. Why should we invest money on stopgaps when higher education in general is going to require a lot of rethinking and reinvesting? All student loan forgiveness is going to do is to