
It’s not about “deserving”. If you keep on focusing stopgaps rather than working on systemic issues that make college expensive, you’re never gonna get rid of the actual problem. 

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Like I get investing in student loans once college is free for everyone. I don’t get subsidizing it when the state of the higher education system is as it is rn.

That’s simply not true. As an immigrant, just pains me to see how you Americans are simply blind to your privilege.

Why not invest in improving systemic issues that are causing college to be expensive in the first place? Why should the government subsidize your private school degree in liberal arts?

You are the troll.

Yeah, let’s not look at systemic issues making college expensive but keep on subsidizing suckers taking thousands of dollars in loans to study Humanities in their “perfect-fit” private school.

Reminds me of that F is For Family episode

Microsoft isn’t stupid. They’re probably prioritizing the manufacture of S cause it’s selling more.

Yikes. You don’t like being caught committing a mistake, do you?

Well, your usage of the term isn’t “established” (or correct). Socialism (democratic or not) inherently means the working class owns the means of production which is far from the case in any European country. Having a strong social safety net while operating under the framework of capitalism is social democracy and

Also, I love the fact that they did something new with the “nice guy” trope. Usually, the “nice guy” in comedy shows isn’t really nice or is just a dumb loser persona. Ted is actually nice, motivated, kinda AND smart. I love that.

“Democratic socialism” is a misnomer for the form of governance most common in European countries. It doesn’t really resemble classic “socialism”. Social democracy is a much better word to describe their form of governance.

Also, gamers love hating the actual devs who toil on the products for shitty pay and shitty hours. Go on any gaming subreddit or forums and you’ll see hundreds of posts on “lazy devs” but they’ll rarely criticize the executives who’re actually at the helm. I have a couple of friends working in the video game industry

Air frying them with a lot of lime and cajun seasoning makes them bearable. Still not good, but can work as a healthy snack from time to time.

That really sucks :(

After reading the author’s stance on Uighur detention, I hope it gets dropped.

Only mentioning this because you specifically mentioned “Turkish” but the West hasn’t cancelled the Turkish government for not acknowledging their Armenian genocide, so what do you expect?

Okay your first paragraph is bunch of fiction made up by a psychotic dude on top of a hill or something. The second is actual history.

Nobody wants to hire you