I never got why yellow foliage and the smell of decaying leaves was supposed to be tempting.
I never got why yellow foliage and the smell of decaying leaves was supposed to be tempting.
Party line or not, it still doesn’t make it any less true.
Oh, the salty whining Ian does in this post is the “mildest sort of criticism”? This article really sounds like an attempt to discourage voters from going to the polls and I’m sorry you can’t see it.
I mean you probably voted blue up and down but your uninformed dismissive rhetoric for what is probably the most progressive platform Democratic party has ever seen (as others have pointed out) only serves to discourage other voters.
My archive page doesn’t have tabs.
Idk I love the taste of fried garlic
lol that’s all you’ve got?
I’m not ready to blame anyone. But if the data shows some privileged fucks refused to vote for Biden and would rather have 4 more years of Trump, I will blame them for sure.
Has it ever occured to you most people voting for the democratic party don’t have your privilege to afford another 4 years of Trump presidency?
lol @ you trying to frame it as cognitive dissonance on my part. Green Party doesn’t have enough electoral power to change anything in this country but did sway enough voters to ensure the orange clown got voted into office in 2016. How is that so hard to understand?
What’s really nauseating was the idiots who voted Green in 2016 resulting in 4 years of this disaster. Now, they are gearing up again to make sure we end up in a dictatorship.
True. Yeah I’m not a big fan of “stick to” this or that when it comes to politics. But can’t agree more on Ian demonstrating “himself to be a political idiot”
Your candidate got rejected by the majority on the left in the primaries. Now you can either write damaging articles to advantage Trump or try shoring up support to the winning candidate so that we don’t have four more years of disaster. Maybe bring all this vitriol when the primaries roll around next time.
Ian really sounds like a Kremlin agent in this article.
What? These are web apps. This article seems wildly disingenous in implying that Microsoft is installing the full office suite instead of adding shortcuts to their websites. No wonder right wing populism is all time high when our journalistic standards are this low smh
The hypocrisy of saying “herd immunity” works for vaccinations and not naturally occurring “herd immunity” is insane.
Edge ftw
Bing Maps has a really useful covid tracker too:
Yes, isn’t it insane that this wannabe dictator has problems with the teaching of history while actual historians don’t?