
Howard just seems like a stupid egotistical asshole.

The Gates have definitely made a better use of their money than the UN agencies that were supposed to do that work.

It’s the same in most of Europe.

I missed my flight at DFW because they closed down multiple security checkpoints and only had a single massive line for security. Long story short the security check took way longer than it should have and I missed my flight. I was told the lack of other lines/security checkpoints was because they didn’t have enough

How is Game pass gonna work on a non-Microsoft platform?

I don’t understand this. Bloomberg was too much of a coward to run when he could have actually stopped Trump from winning if he had run as a republican. Why does he now want to help reelect Trump by running as a Democrat?

I’m gonna be sorely disappointed with the Democrats if they cave in.

You, sir, are a true example of American exceptionalism.

Sounds typical Alabama

I actually doubt the second one will be enough now.

You’re underestimating the stupidity of the American people.

I had never really been to the gym regularly before this semester. But I started doing Stronglifts 5x5 this semester. I started out with just the bar and even that used to feel heavy. In little more than 3 months, I can squat 190 lbs, deadlift 200 lbs, overhead press 75 lbs, barbell row 100 lbs, and bench 100 lbs.

Anita is a fairly popular South Asian name too.

I read all of this and it kinda makes sense. But every driver I’ve talked to loves Uber and Lyft.

I think Ozil looks pretty hot (not in the art above tho, look at some real life pictures). Also, Beckham, Neymar, etc.

you mean “reverse”?

“the husband of Victoria Beckham who apparently has a career of his own”

I don’t get it :(

Time to throw your shitty computer to the trash can now eh?