Won't windows RT have office bundled? That sorta makes the licensing make more sense.
Won't windows RT have office bundled? That sorta makes the licensing make more sense.
I can't believe I haven't seen "Used WRX/STI" anywhere. you can get em real cheap now.
wii and ps3 don't charge to play online, but both those services are total garbage.
an epic is $40k, not $80k, and a scarlett which can do the same in terms of stills is only $10k
hold the door for me, I laughed too.
not to mention, the little Time machine boxes, what were they called? basically failed after a month of use because they were made with shitty components?
psh.... 12 years ago I tried to procure a 50 inch plasma for an interactive installation I was working on, the only one available in the country was an NEC plasmasync. It was $35,000 but that wasn't the problem, the problem was there were so few (in Canada) that you could only lease it short term.
tru calling? I think you meant dollhouse.
someone used a warping stabilizer on that footage, it attempts to correct rolling shutter distortion in cmos cameras, it does make the footage look unnatural. (take your camera phone out and shoot some video, doing whip pans, you'll see how the video skews and distorts, same with DSLR video)
"inspired" is pretty generous wording... this thing is a straight up metro rip, but it's nice!
yeah no kidding, that perked my ears when I read that (for as little sense as that makes).
agreed, that's why I dumped my 3G for a winphone, and never looked back, because when a WP update happens, the phone gets FASTER, not the opposite like my experience with bloated iOS.
making a theme is designing and producing a product, which you can then sell to as many people as possible for $15, nothing wrong with that.
not hearsay at all, that's why this would only work in places like malaysia.
Screw zoom, shoot on Primes! It'll look nicer :)
?? WP and windows are separate OSs that adopt a similiar user interface. Using both a Windows phone and the consumer build of windows 8, they function very similarly but windows 8 is clearly for a laptop/pc/tablet, while the phone is for phone hardware. Integration of accounts is simliar too, there's no intention from…
same, I just really hate using android and ios by comparison, yes wp7 is behind in apps but the big name ones are there and the phone itself is so much better at being a phone/communications device than the alternatives.
this would be great, if only to stave off the enormous hand cramp I get playing Mass Effect Infiltrator.
no mars, doesn't really need it, the production design looks incredible though, and I can kinda recognize the gardner expressway for fellow torontonians.