
you clearly haven't used it.

"As for computer, your computer becomes two computers, a much faster windows 7, and a media outlet with metro. "

it doesn't force any kind of integration, you can simply have a "local" user profile that's not hooked up to a live account, or you can put multiple live accounts on the machine, or you can use live accounts for certain apps when using the local user profile.

I've been using the consumer preview and its fantastic. Metro interface aside, it's got so much going for it. All the integration from your various accounts hooked up to your windows live/hotmail account. Auto skydrive integration, auto facebook integration, flickr, xbox, etc.

really? their stock has popped 30% since december, win8 is pretty broadly being hailed as fantastic, WP7 is well reviewed, and everyone's looking forward to the next xbox.

Just give it a few months, angry birds space with xbox live integration and achievements.

they fixed this studios-not-making-money-on-used-games issue by simply implementing those online passes that ship with games, where you need to buy a new one if it's already been used.

I mean, I get it, I get the ending (for the most part) and the themes. It's a touch preachy, if organics and synthetics can't live in peace then they're doomed to repeat a cycle of destruction, so on and so forth..

To be honest, this guy sounds a lot like steve jobs, if steve jobs knew how to program.

well, I think they tried that, and we wound up with Vista. I feel for the engineers that feel they got pushed out, I do.. but having worked with many different iterations of development houses and departments over my career sometimes someone grabbing the reigns and not letting people take their lovely time (which is

I have an ipad 2 and windows phone, and this FOR SURE will be my next tablet, based on how great winphone has been. having it all integrated is gonna be super sweet.

they don't need it as everything can just be lumped in with the new windows branding anyways, although the zune management software for WP7 (basically the WP7/zune version of itunes) is a beautiful, fast and excellent piece of software, I would imagine the core functionality of windows would likely take on these

Bring it on, WP7 issogreatiloveitsomuch.

would be great to use in the future in things MMO avatars, no?

That's why even with Kirkham writing, I can't even look at The Infinite... (or hawk and dove for that matter) that guy is just so, so bad.

i don't know, that sounds like that might be pretty good. sittin' back, relaxin with your hands full of coffee and delicious pastry, using subtle waving gestures to browse through web pages or control internet video.

hmm, odd, I also have a focus and I've never had a problem tagging songs.

I was shocked when I heard it was kimble who ran MU... this guy was notorious back in the late 90s, early 2000s on the internet, and amongst us web designers as he hired NRG.be, one of the early flash based design shops to basically create his online identity, he had a site called Kimble which had episodic flash

or you have no idea how much computers cost for some people as you have no idea how old Justin is or what year he went to high school.

with the amount that facebook is integrated into the core of windows phone (via the people hub, photo hub, etc.) I find myself almost never using the extra facebook app on my focus, it's just not necessary.