realD glasses work on those LG passive 3D tvs, no need for active shutter glasses. Same tech, polarized barrier.
yep, you guys were! When I was in Oz I wished we had the same bills, and now we're getting them.
I'm all for premium VOD. And as anyone with kids can attest, it's just damn hard to sneak away to a theatre to see a new release. I'd gladly pay $20 for a movie that's still in theatres if I could stream it to my fairly decent home theatre.
this is just another in a series of MS future vision videos they've put out, the first one came out in 09 and was based on illustrator UI designs from microsoft that was passed to the post production house and director to build the video around. A lot of it showed up later in the form of Metro, xbox's new user…
We'll remember that when your economy implodes you guys come running.
and to think, Rogers is way better than the other option (Bell).
haters be hatin, I say bring it on. 1 & 3 were awesome.
haha was gonna say...
I wonder how many of those people are actually enjoying themselves or playing multiplayer anything. I would wager not that many.
"After a while, you begin to think there's a really easy solution to the problem of the Shannons having one kid too many."
dear god in heaven this chick put out 162 EXTRA gallons of boob-juice??!?
"if Apple began pushing out products with buggy cluttered interfaces, I'd look elsewhere..."
jeez, what a shame that the advertising that pays the salaries of the people that run this site should get in your way of your free content.
I was all against this until I saw peter berg's name attached to this. It may be dumb but that guy knows how to shoot big time action. Watch The Rundown if you don't believe me.
you hit it on the head... they don't likely have an unlimited marketing budget, creating new CG trailers (which aren't even done in house) are hugely expensive propositions.
I didn't think BRaun when you said BR as a design influence.
and all the sarcasm.
yeah, but, still with the pouches.
Loved it too. Friggin Tudyk beating up russian gangster chick bartenders and Jeong drawing down on Laserbeak!