
I'm probably about as biased as Massimo is, but I'm sick to death of philosophers pontificating about their own importance. I would rather talk to an ethicist than a philosopher any day of the week, because an ethicist is at least attacking a problem of practical import.

I think the reason one can easily dismiss

This is because it's for Japanese market, and those are the basic specs for a Kei car.

Dads. Dads who can't afford a Cadillac ATS or BMW 3-Series really, really want this car.

Walt was cutting Skylar free on the phone. He knew he was being listened to by the police. He said what he said to put the police off of her solely onto himself.

Before we start going through the "humanity sucks" self flagellation...may I remind everyone that stuff dies every second of everyday and that we aren't the cause of it. (edit: We aren't the cause of all of it.) Global warming (or climate change) is historical and not necessarily a result of humanity.

If they took away all these features, which sucks by the way. Then what makes this new generation of consoles new?

It is definitely going to kill that. All of the good that was going to come of the direction they were going is never going to happen now.

If they kill the digital game sharing because of people whining online, instead of allowing disk-only offline mode, I will be VERY disappointed.

it reminds me more of this picture

"Microsoft's online gaming community—and, importantly, support staff—are without parallel. It's a unique offering, it's added value, and it's certainly worth paying for. It also explains why the all-encompassing Xbox Live Gold account exists in the first place; just a few years ago, Xbox Live constituted online

STi 22b. There are many, many used first gen wrx Imprezas to tune to your hearts content. You don't need to go ahead and mess around with one as rare and striking as this.

Seriously. I like Kotaku, but I'm getting fucking sick of the console bashing. We get it already, you and every other fucking person on the internet wants to have Sony's babies. Stop with the commentary and just give us the news. Not too long ago, I remember Tolito and others talking about being more upfront with the

Weirdly enough, Sony won this next gen wars by giving the exact same product Microsoft offered, except withouth the DRM and always online policies. Sure, they'll have their exclusives, but most of the games presented this E3 ar multiconsoles. Nintendo, as always, steps aside, shows some games (that most of us, even if

I'm kind of surprised at the results of the polls. Sony definitely stole the show yesterday with their 5 minutes on DRM/Used Games/etc, but overall that press conference was boring. They spent an hour on PS3/Vita/Sony Pictures without telling us anything and then showed just one new exclusive for the PS4 alongside 4

It's hard to find concrete details for the exclusives, but I went around and redid my counts. It's 21 exclusives for Xbox, 10 for PS4. That's... rather telling of were publishers want their games.

This. So much this.

Personally I found the Xbox conference pretty interesting, there were enough game selection out there to look interesting and wither or not one title or not is 'exclusive' doesn't matter at all to me, it's about the games being interesting not being strong armed to get a specific console over the other for a game....

So like... ~15 exclusives on xbox one, ~5 for ps4.

Honestly, I thought Microsoft killed it with their games line-up. They absolutely nailed some fantastic exclusives. The PS3 conference was kinda boring on the games front for most of the presser. I can't think of one "must-have" exclusive for the PS4. The GT6 announcement got me excited......until I realized it was