This is because it's for Japanese market, and those are the basic specs for a Kei car.
This is because it's for Japanese market, and those are the basic specs for a Kei car.
Dads. Dads who can't afford a Cadillac ATS or BMW 3-Series really, really want this car.
this mini "not normal" add is far worse.
Seriously. I like Kotaku, but I'm getting fucking sick of the console bashing. We get it already, you and every other fucking person on the internet wants to have Sony's babies. Stop with the commentary and just give us the news. Not too long ago, I remember Tolito and others talking about being more upfront with the…
Weirdly enough, Sony won this next gen wars by giving the exact same product Microsoft offered, except withouth the DRM and always online policies. Sure, they'll have their exclusives, but most of the games presented this E3 ar multiconsoles. Nintendo, as always, steps aside, shows some games (that most of us, even if…
I'm kind of surprised at the results of the polls. Sony definitely stole the show yesterday with their 5 minutes on DRM/Used Games/etc, but overall that press conference was boring. They spent an hour on PS3/Vita/Sony Pictures without telling us anything and then showed just one new exclusive for the PS4 alongside 4…
This is my beef with the hatred over the new restrictions. PS4 is deemed winner for doing the same thing PS3 did with shinier graphics. Very little in the innovation category. For some, that's awesome. I remember people being pumped about ps3 despite the fact that out of the gate it was simply a pepped up ps2. The…
But what about the games that I can't play on PC? The FFXV's, KH3's, inFamouses, Ryses, Halos of the world? I went all out earlier this year and threw $2000 into a custom gaming PC. But I've never been a fan of limiting what games I can play, which is why I also own all of the current-gen consoles and will buy at…
After watching all of the conferences, I still think I'm going to get an Xbox one. I don't care about DRM, used games or any of that stuff. I work..I buy my games. I haven't rented a game in over 10 years..and If I want to try a game, *gasp*, I'll just download the demo...kinda what I've been doing up until now anyway.
What fee to sell used games? Microsoft has stated that it is totally up to the publishers how they handle used games as it should be, frankly.
X1 has the better games, so far at least.
You don't need to play online on the X1.
(it just needs a oldschool modem to connect ever 24hrs) (& everyone will hook up their PS4 anyway) So the online argument is Moot.
Playstation Plus is NOW 50 to 60$ per year. JUST LIKE XBOX LIVE.
The ONLY area PS4 is ahead is possibly in…
Agreed! Here, here! *raises beerstein to Brian's message!*
You merely postponed it. Judgment Day is inevitable.
This is based on nothing, but since a lot of the bigger announced games aren't even launch titles, and there's still time before the consoles release, it's very possible that Sony was working on DRM/used-game stuff to some extent, and then scrambled to dump all of it after the initial XBox One presentation.
It's hard to find concrete details for the exclusives, but I went around and redid my counts. It's 21 exclusives for Xbox, 10 for PS4. That's... rather telling of were publishers want their games.
This. So much this.
Personally I found the Xbox conference pretty interesting, there were enough game selection out there to look interesting and wither or not one title or not is 'exclusive' doesn't matter at all to me, it's about the games being interesting not being strong armed to get a specific console over the other for a game....…
So like... ~15 exclusives on xbox one, ~5 for ps4.
Honestly, I thought Microsoft killed it with their games line-up. They absolutely nailed some fantastic exclusives. The PS3 conference was kinda boring on the games front for most of the presser. I can't think of one "must-have" exclusive for the PS4. The GT6 announcement got me excited......until I realized it was…