
Because repeating something asinine makes them just as foolish.

Or even EOS 5D's. "Pro-grade" all around. Maybe Sony, Paramount, MGM, Universal, etc can all just use iPhones, Canon EOS 5D's, GoPro's, and 1080p 808 keychain camera's for their productions now. This has to make some studio exec extremely happy since they have until now been living under a rock and not keeping up to

Giz, how about you use a picture of a bridge that is actually 50' long and 20' wide? The one in the article is nowhere near representative of what was taken. I'm sure you could have even located a picture of the actual bridge if you tried.

You should take a strong look at the Samsung Focus II as well. Don't shut out a strong competitor.

Hmm... He made personal computers a mass-market product? Unless I'm mistaken, Microsoft/Bill Gates/Windows is generally regarded as the driver behind mass adoption of personal computers. It sounds like Jobs' reality distortion field lives on.

And still is. iPod touch is good too but have they built a FM tuner into iPods yet?

Correct title should be "R.I.P. Microsoft Zune: the Media Player We All Loved, but were too devoted to Apple to ever consider buying."

Yep. Apple coming out with this new and unique feature. They're innovating again.

Three cups of research and a pinch of salt.

Was that just speculation?

"It still feels like a preview something that's coming next, not that's already here. Perhaps because it's missing the feeling of simple inevitability, like iOS."

Just choose the hardware that you like.

Police departments too.. to find the good spots for cash registers, I mean speed traps.

$20+/month for music you are already paying for? You fail at math. Big time.

Not much HDD space and it would be completely worth it. Just mount a small USB camera and and fire up your recording software.

I don't get it. All I see is a, uh.. I don't know what the heck I'm looking at.

If you really feel that way, why not just have auto-logon? You know, there are scenarios where you don't want other people messing with you files such as a teen trying to circumvent some parental controls or people just being nosey. Not everyone is trying to steal your pc and in many cases the pc is worth more to them

Nah, their selective memory will just quickly wipe this event from thier minds so they can continue telling everyone how, in their experiences, there's never been any problems with their Mac's going back 57 years.

You know that guy (and the guy on the ground) were thinking "oh shit, OH SHIT!!" as he was getting closer and closer to that ledge while thinking they misgauged the jump. That was too close for comfort and the glider probably peed himself. (referring to the one where the dude has to jump out of the way)

He should have captured a video at say 10-15 fps NTSC. That would have been a million times better.