
type "paint" at from the start screen.

I'm certain you don't understand what a multi-tasking OS really is.

The full desktop has always been "just an app", as you put it. The app is called explorer.exe and it can be killed, restarted, or replaced (like WindowBlinds and LiteStep). Think of Windows 8 as having 2 GUI shells, metro and explorer... pretty simple concept really.

Feel free to take a look in the event logs. No need to waste time trying to write down the error code.

Courier was never officially acknowledged by Microsoft, much less shown off at a major developers conference with developer units given out and free downloads for the world to try.

"The stand-up desk has a raised surface that is the proper height for a person to stand and type."


Why is it worse? Is there a scientific reason it's worse or just a cultural "worse"?

Seems a bit silly to ban someone for posting the same thing that is on your own company's other site. Underhanded censorship anyone?

If it were Steve Ballmer they would probably 'chop it to make it even more gruesome of make some rude animated gif of him danding around sayint developers, developers, developers.

He patented... a box? Color me impressed.

especially the "women"

"assistant research professor in electrical and computer engineering at Duke, envisions"... wow, this guy has an idea that he thinks is smart yet will never work in reality. Lets make a story about it and embellish a bit ("A new metamaterial cloaking system *can trick water into standing still* as an object moves

But then they would be just like Windows. And Windows is pure Evil. Right? Steve Jobs would release a 2-button mouse before he acknowledges that the Windows windows are better than his. Heck, he is still trying to get over then pain of allowing full-screen and he still doesn't allow full-range windows resizing.

This would absolutely be a deal killer on any desktop OS for me. I leave my apps open for days on end, usually as a reminder that I have some unfinished business going on. If my OS were to close those windows without me knowing about it I would be infuriated. I think Brent was being generous in saying this would be

Launching this fall, Duracell CopperBottoms.

I they are only a tiny bit open-source, then why be open-source at all? What do the users gain? Nothing. Really, there is no difference between "open" Android and "closed" WP7 & iOS in regards to which serves the end-user better.

Sam should be banned for trolling. At the very least warned and post eradicated.

#1 is a valid reason, #2 is not. Even free doesn't make something a "must-have". How many free apps and programs are there on the internet? How many free OS's? The cost of something does not make it a must-have.

Not sure where you get the idea that it's $150-$600 to upgrade Windows. $600?? You can buy brand new laptop or desktop+monitor along with the latest Windows for that price.