

Apple introduces Squirting. Always innovating.

Exactly. They strung this video out like it was explaining some great mystery or hard to grasp principle. Who doesn't know the difference between < and <=?

You can get data only plans and use a hotspot device (or repurposed cell phone).

I like the hotspots because it works with everything, no drivers to install, you can place it near a window for optimum cell reception, and you can have multiple people using it at the same time very easily. You can even install files to it's MicroSD card and use it as a NAS of sorts.

What? You mean your deck isn't made from 7mm wide planks? Odd.


Courier was never even officially acknowledged by Microsoft. To compare it to a line of products that they have thrown full conferences behind is a little, no, a huge misunderstanding on your part and shows your lack of rational & logical thinking.

"and I don't say that as an Apple fun boy"

They are much more than idea's, they are actually in development and shipping soon. An idea is the first step, Microsoft is on step 1000 already. If you think the step right before shipping is idea then I'd like to see how your work goes.

And there's even more to come. MSFT spends billions on R&D and they are starting to push a lot of those efforts into the consumer world unlike they ever have. Can you think of where something like this could be headed: [www.windows8core.com]. They may be baking this into the Windows 8/RT/WP8 for all we know.

All are the same kernel.

Surface Pro is a [MacBook Air + iPad] competitor.

"I fail to see the mainstream appeal of this."

iPad has more apps than Windows? o_0

Yes, of course we would because what the hell does anyone care that some display item was sold. Don't you realize this kind of thing happens every day in all sorts of shops, everything from shoes to electronics to bicycles, whatever. It's not worthy of being reported, much less being called tech news.

I can't share much with you guys but I will say this, *NO ONE* saw this coming.

This worthless blogging doesn't bother you? Really? What's the next love-fest post going to be, "Dubai Apple employee steps on used bubble gum, irate that it wont scrape off completely"?

Honestly, after seeing that picture of Torvalds, that's what popped into my head. Blame the internets.

Can anyone recommend a good tech site that uses professional journalism instead of this regularly occurring garbage?