
I do this in my sleep too—I often eat and walk as well—and I warn whoever I'm laying down with that if I advance on them to wake me up by any means necessary right away.

Yeah, I'm not excusing the behavior but there's something behind it. Growing up is a competition for all of us but for boys it's asserting yourself with aggression and swagger. I think that's what causes a lot of physical bullying in boys. You constantly feel the need to prop yourself up and you have to do it loudly.

I'm not looking to start a fight here but I am curious about your stance. Obviously I touched a nerve.

That's so awful....It's hard because you feel helpless in that sense. You want to protect them and you want to shake these assholes but escalating the situation isn't in their best interest. That's why I usually break out a cheesy joke or ask them about their family or pets are which makes them light up. You know,


I work as a counselor for special needs people and whenever I'm out in the community with them people are typically gracious—sometimes even too polite—but teens, the fucking teens, especially the boys. I've seen them flip off my clients, spit in their direction, make faces, start speaking "retard" though some of my

You referenced Dave Krieg's crippling mediocrity. Lions fans remember him fondly.

Pasties are also ranked 41 on the list of popular dishes in Michigan.

Now playing

Nope. At the 3:00 mark of the video, the refs had to threaten the crowd with a charged timeout because it was too loud. Had not seen that before and I haven't since. From experience, your ears would literally ring walking out of a big game. People forget how loud the Silverdome would get during the Barry years—how I

Now playing

Nope. At the 3:00 mark of the video, the refs had to threaten the crowd with a charged timeout because it was too loud. People forget how loud the Silverdome would get during the Barry years—how I don't know, maybe because, Lions—but I'm certain the Silverdome was louder that night and many other games in the 90's.

There! Turning right. *

I rarely feed my cat—usually my parents do and I didn't even live with him for a couple years—but he constantly follows me around, meows at me and cuddles with me. Every time someone insufferably or snarkily points out that cats only care about food, I point to my cat and my parents cat that suffers from dog-like

I've been watching motor sports racing—F1, NASCAR Sprint and Nationwide, Indy —for over 20 years and I honestly think the truck series is consistently the most entertaining, mainly because the drivers are seemingly reckless. They always race all out, use up their equipment and go at each other hard. It's certainly not

Because homophobia is one of those generally awful things. You probably don't realize that because you're a homophobe too and this whole "liberals say we have to be tolerant of other cultures..." rap suggest you're probably racist too. Take down that fucking King Of The Hill avatar—you're not good enough to like that

Oh this guy again.

Thank you so much for writing this.

I work in Royal Oak and I'm actually planning on moving to Ferndale/Oak Park/Hazel Park very soon so I can ride my bike to work 7-8 months out of the year. This is such a motivating factor, I don't plan on living in Detroit long-term, just because, well, riding my bike up Woodward fresh off the night-shift might not

This list doesn't bother me that much. Strohs from the bottle is WAY better than from the can. But this list is missing OV and Hamm's. OV's got some bite, Hamm's is a little watery though crisp but both will get you efficiently drunk for like 60 cents a can.

It makes me snicker that republicans talk about "keeping income in Patriot pockets!" by keeping down our relatively low income tax yet they love stalling on keeping student loan interest rates From doubling. Isn't this taking money out of young Americans pockets and keeping them from spending? Bad enough conservatives