
Funny thing is the demise of this car will not be by consumers but by Toyota dealerships. With shortages this thing will be a six figure car at some dealerships pushing the envelope and normal dealers asking $10k over sticker. Every cool car made in the last 6-7 years has had some sort of dealer markup with it being

Yeah, I’m in the same boat.  There’s so much to do, so why rush it?  I’m at around 120 hours so far, and going back and finishing up catacombs and other side missions.  I don’t want it to end!

I absolutely adored my time with Elden Ring, (95 hours, full map clear, lvl 203) but for combat, Nioh 2 is still my favorite. I spent more than 300 hours in Nioh 2 (lvl 750, cleared the depths) and I never got tired of trying new weapons and mastering every challenge.

Yeah, I am at 60 hours and the only required boss I have beaten so far is Godrick (I think he’s been the only required boss so far anyway).  Running around doing everything I can before actually going where the map and game is telling you to go has been a lot of fun.

Yeah it’s totally bizarre to me that people are finishing it so fast. Also I notice they often have characters who are as high or higher level than mine, which means they must have done some SERIOUS farming (though with the Mohg area you can go very quickly on that, it’s just tedious).

I got to 120 hours without even really trying to postpone beating the game, and I’d barely touched Consecrated Snowfield, and hadn’t been to Haligtree land. Plus I had numerous other areas basically unexplored (Leyndell sewers, Nokstella, Mohg’s palace, etc.), quests untouched, etc. etc. - loads of catacombs and caves

I’m glad so many people like this game. We need more things to be happy about in this day and age. 

That is an amazing follow up comment.

“Teach a man to build a fire and he’s warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he’s warm for the rest of his life.”

Phase 1: eat dishwasher tablet

this actor sucks and We Need To Talk About Kevin is stupid 

Whether the words were offensive to Jada, the choice of response was hers and hers alone to make. Women are completely capable of defending ourselves, especially from mean spirited and offensive WORDS.

From: Aliko Dangote

Are you and your company deeply tied to the leader of a regime who is invading a foreign country? Is your company the result of massive graft and you were able to purchase a state owned company for pennies on the dollar? Is your wealth tied to corruption and being best buds with a maniac with delusions of recreating

Gold scarab, a pickled fowl foot x10, giant bird farm, and you won’t be worrying about runes or levels for awhile.

All companies should go back to a remote work schedule

Once they finally fix the pot holes near me - that I can only assume were caused by someone tossing hand grenades out of their vehicle

Yeah! And when I get a desk from IKEA, it should come with a free hacksaw so I can cut it to pieces. 

Yup. I was disappointed when the Biden administration failed to do this one, proven thing to keep oil prices low. Back during April 2020, demand for oil got so low that oil price briefly went negative!!! It would have been so easy for Biden to tell Americans and our European allies to go back to work-from-home to

Karen Cruz