You want weird and creepy, wait until Ivanka eulogizes Donald at his funeral….
If you’re saying that you don’t recognize a VAST difference in maturity, decision-making, coping skills, etc between 18 and 33 then you’re only telling on yourself. 18 may be ‘legal’, but it’s still dating as close as you can to an actual child without breaking the law.
So you’re threatening to open mouth kiss them if the don’t make it? :)
“Includes breakfast” (hey o)
Have you learned nothing? It’s only pedophilia if it’s a same sex offender, or if the victim is a boy. Underage girls always want it and are to blame for ‘seducing’ the poor men who can’t help themselves.
Congratulations Republicans!
As we saw during the worst of the pandemic, when restaurants, etc. go out of business, the ones who suffer are the employees. Let’s all concentrate on having the fucking religious fuckfaces themselves decide to quit their lifetime appointments to jobs they weren’t as qualified for as anyone but they themselves (and…
“Scummy Dirtbag In Charge of Shitty Trash Bro Dev Makes Conman Moves”
Unfortunately right now, in the US at least, Dunks are not on the ‘by you’ menu. You can make yourself some nice AF1's or AixMax 90's though.
Clearly the author is a creepy perv like Doja so no fix will be issued.
Pushes for Lizzo to keep publicly harassing Chris Evans... Sides with anti-vaxxer Doja for what is ultimately a harmless mistake, since, as is pointed out in the article, EVERYONE ALREADY KNEW HOW SHE FELT.
No lie, if drake can get called out for some predatory shit for texting MBB, we gotta do the same to her.
I realize that everyone is focusing on doja but shouldn’t we also be discussing the fact that the person who wrote this is not only also weirdly fantasizing about a child but also in all likelihood even older than doja?
Maybe, but we love to see accountability for rising movie stars who typically go on to be entitled fuckboys, and this is probably a good way for Schnapp to learn not to violate a woman’s privacy. If a little shit shared my DM slides, I’d probably be pissed too.
Went round and round with racist on Twitter about this the other day and their argument boiled down to “he got out of the car when police told him to.”