Step One: Put police decals and a light bar on a Charger Hellcat
Nah. That's just business as usual.
Its funny when people ignore the fact this kind of thing is completely avoidable. Even if an equipment failure *caused* the problem its the driver who created the situation. If you're at the limit of your skill or grip and something goes wrong you crash.
Reminded me of PJ O'Rourke on pickups.
He cashed in, in his 70s, doing 150mph in a Porsche. HERO.
Use that time wisely, Jason.
Probably the first time I've ever celebrated the actions of any owner of a lifted Ram bro truck. Awesome.
Eat ice cream, take a shit, take a nap, race, get drunk.
Jason can you please tag Motorcycle Safety Foundation in stories like this as well as a reminder to riders to please, gear up.
Dress for the slide, not the ride. All the gear, all the time.
Armor very much helped save my life and also made recovery when the inevitable motorist did hit me all that much faster.
Just take the MSF course and get a 250 to start and you'll be fine. Just like you wouldn't jump in a viper without ever having had a drivers license and not knowing how to drive a stick, you shouldn't get on a sportbike (which accelerates faster than the viper) without having learned properly.
Beyond that, motorcycles…
There's nothing wrong with riding a motorcycle. You just have to be smart and careful about it. Be aware of your surroundings, traffic and ride like you're invisible, in other words, never assume the other drivers can see you.
I would totally go to that owner's meet. Much better than the demographics of car meets for some other cars.
I'm just pissed there isn't a diesel.
Definitely this 79 Lincoln Continental Collectors Series. 0-60 in "why the hell would you want to go 60, the speed limit is 55?" So long it doesnt fit in a standard garage, so wide its a nightmare to park. Driving it is like riding a horse in that you always realize that youre not actually in control of the beast. …
I was just going to say "Fuck the police.", but that works too.
Another day, another reason to dislike power-tripping egomaniacs who think a badge gives them carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want.
For justice. He ran the red for justice.