
‘S not like the Vikings don't have a history of invading Ireland. 

Disney. Bubby. You’re more synergistic than this. How was this not an ad during Wandavision? You’re losing your touch...

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

Timey wimey

Not gonna matter much when they're gonna course correct with Flashpoint

Truly we only have but so much capacity to churn out content, and I appreciate it when people understand that reality.

There are like 5 staffers left thanks to the Great Hill Herbs, so personally, I’d cut them some slack.

Question: Why the hell is io9 not recapping this show every week? It’s an adaptation of a superhero comic-book that manages to completly transcend its source material. Its right in your wheelhouse, so why the hell is the first thing we hear about it here is a month in, just to highlight a dick joke?

And Soma.

The fact that this author feels the trailer shows “a utopia poised to explode,” and doesn’t find anything unusual with that description of Brave New World, demonstrates that both the author and probably the people behind this TV adaptation missed the entire point of Brave New World. Spoilers for a book published in

Harlan Ellison wrote an adaptation of I Robot in the 1970’s that was never made but was published as an illustrated screenplay a few years back. Art by Mark Zug. Well worth the price and with a few minor updates, holds up well. An excellent 1-film adaptation of the story collection.

I’d love to make a snarky joke about how Lucasfilm didn’t see concerned with supporting him through the last two movies, but I can’t. Just love this dude. He’s a great actor and it seems an even better human being. I’ll keep buying tickets to shit he’s in.

I’m impressed at how he just spoke from his heart, bedamned at what it might do to his future. That takes a hell of a lot of moral courage that not a lot of people possess. Having said that, I still harbor some issues over his calling Kelly Marie Tran weak for quitting social media over the absolutely disgusting abuse

Seriously, mad respect for Boyega. He put it all on the line and got some shit done. 

I like this idea a lot better than Boba getting his own show, but only if Temuera Morrison also shows up as old-man Rex in whatever episodes Ahsoka is in.

I’m going to throw this out, which only MostDispleased mentioned:

And skip over 0083:Stardust Memories? I’ma let you finish, but the Nightmare of Solomon is the best Gundam character of all time.

No mention of Endless Waltz?  That was my intro in Gundam.  Great show.

I see you are a man of culture.