
Sorry, I can’t see Blue Falcon and not expect to hear a Spanish accent coming from him.

Someone else mentioned it on here how just the feel of the movie gives off an early Dreamworks vibe. Like, this looks like it should have been released back around 2002 or 2004.

Is it just me or does the animation look kind of cheap and stiff? I’m not expecting Pixar levels of work from WWE but this has a sub Dreamworks vibe to me.

I will never want a “Back to the Future” remake.

(while I’m making rules, if you’re requiring people to wear heels you want to continue to participate in society without being branded as a pariah, you are not allowed to have a cash bar)

I myself would have liked to see Steve Buscemi play Commissioner Gordon after seeing him in a SNL Digital Short back in 2011. (Don’t laugh, Steve looks good with the glasses and mustache.) Jeffrey Wright is still an excellent choice though.

I was gunning for Bryan Cranston as Commissioner Gordon but, I have no problems with this at all whatsoever. I like Jeffrey Wright. I think he is a seriously underrated actor and needs to be in more stuff.  

I remember seeing someone on reddit suggest ages ago he'd make a brilliant Doctor Octopus and now I can't see anyone else but him taking the role. 

By the way, I’ve been watching Star Trek: TOS, and McCoy is totally the Ron Swanson of the Federation :-D

Brought to you by baby elephant memes. You know that feeling you get watching .gifs of baby elephants being adorable?

I’m bouncing with excitement!

I think giving Snyder a show about a group of asshole gods being assholes is a much better fit for his style than the superhero genre.

Sith Trooper

I won’t consider seeing this until they state it’s git a different ending than the movie. One that’s contradicted a scene in the movie’s trailer but not in the film.

I’ve said it before. The Phantom Menace isn’t a good movie, but there is a good movie in there trying to get out. The main problem is Lucas. He never should have written and directed it himself.


This is some very polite ownage. 

That was apparently forced on them by some idiot of a producer. I gather that the original plan was some flavour of distributed computing. But your idea is a good one.

Ironically, the original screenplay was a bit more realistic: the humans in pods were not energy sources, but auxiliary processing units —unconscious parts of their brains were the hardware on which Matrix ran. Which is still pretty iffy, but at least does not violate any fundamental laws of physics.